chapter 19

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Very VERY graphic descriptions and will probably make you cry.
If you don't like blood or hearing about Wounds and death I recommend to not read this especially for my younger readers. Best of luck!:))

Midoriya's POV

The one with short hair that was in front of me ran towards me her sharp nails out ready to attack. I prepared myself, lifting my fists.


Yellows and reds flashed over my face and the heat just barely grazing. "Tck women.." Kacchan tcked looking to me. "Deku and Icyhot go find the asshole behind this."

"Yeah! We'll cover you and get there  ah- as soon as possible." Kirishima smiled and hardened his skin. We nodded with no complain before taking a run for it.

As we ran i heard more explosions and snarky remarks from Kacchan. I couldn't help a small giggle. "What are you laughing about in a time like this?" Todoroki said slightly out of breath. "Hm? Oh its just, Kacchan hasn't changed i find it funny." I responded back. Todoroki's face scrunched up Slightly but then relaxed. He slowly paced down to a walk instead of a run and i joined walking by his side.

It was a small yet comfortable silence until I felt he's slightly cold hand slip into mine. A gasp left my mouth but I didn't speak, only gripping his hand tighter.

We walked for some time until we saw a strange man standing in the middle of the street. He was in a traditional yukata (traditional men's kimono) and he had a small pouch on his side along with a belt that wore a small wooden like flute. He seemed to not realize we were there until the sound of a loud boom made him look up.

He had sleek black hair and dark eyes. He wore a smirk and put his hands, lazily to his sides. "Ah I expected more time, but alas."

"What are you doing here and why are you attacking this area?" I questioned taking some steps forward. He only chuckled pulling out a slip of paper from his side pouch. I remembered what they guy had said, this was their leader. He didn't look as intimating as I thought. "Well it's quite simple really. Get money and get out, I really don't want to start a fight but when push comes to shove..then I guess it has to be done." His hands folded the paper in a matter of seconds, his eyes not looking down once. He picked up the wooden flute on his belt and threw the paper in the air and played four notes. Suddenly the paper brursted into a paper like Dragon.  This creation was in front of our eyes like a firework.

Steam relased from his nose as its sharp teeth showed. Its sharp claws, clawed at us as the man started a small tune. We threw ourselves to the side, dodging the attack and Todoroki's fire ignited against the thick paper. It wailed in pain but didn't give  up the fight. I used not even five percent as I jumped up giving it a hard punch, it knocked its head towards me throwing me to the side.

I landed on the concrete scraping my elbows, I was now behind the man but before I could even get up he threw another paper in my direction. A big, paper, wolf was now in front of me, getting up i ran into an near by  alley way, hoping what last minute plan I had in mind with be affective. It just barely fit as I jumped up the wall onto the roof top. It looked my direction and I took a deep breath before jumping down, using a little more then five percent and blasted the paper wolf.

The paper was shredded in half as it yelped in pain. The paper starting to fly away with the wind, it growled out  before disintegrating in front of me. I only assumed that this was one of the weaker ones he made as he sent out another paper to me.

It was a classic crane and a butterfly, they weren't as big but their were two this time.

I noticed as he sent them out, he took a small few seconds I between to actually get them. The whistle or flute that he played controls all of the creations through sound/music. When he first sent out the dragon it was more harsh and the notes were lower but when he sent out the butterfly and crane it got higher but still remained at a low vibration. Assuming that whatever thing he put out needs to have a certain frequency that it works at and having to play a complicated song that runs at them all so if the frequency or vibrations change in the sound then it'll change what they do. Not just his energy but also his flute is the source.

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