Chapter 7

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Todoroki's POV

I am fed up with this guys bullshit. I need to talk to someone. I click on Momo's contact.

Momo's POV

Kyoka and I were cuddling when I felt a vibration and picked up my phone seeing that My son❄️🔥 aka Todoroki, had texted me. I read the text with Kyoka next to me reading as well.

-My son❄️🔥: Momo I need some advice or help. Just anything.
-MamaMomo⭐️: with?
-My son❄️🔥: I think you know.
-MamaMomo⭐️: I'm coming, can kyoka come too?
-My son❄️🔥: sure
-MamaMomo⭐️: Alright we're on our way.
My Son❄️🔥 read

I sigh getting up from the coach. "I apologise, we will be right back." I excused myself and kyoka. We walked out of the room and went to the bathroom. I knocked on the door, slowly opening it. I looked in and saw Todoroki pacing around. "Hey calm down. I haven't seen you this upset since.." I thought.
"Ever." Kyoka finished. "Yes thank you. But sit down Todoroki and tell us what's on your mind." I closed the bathroom door as Todoroki flipped down the toilet seat and sat down on the top. Kyoka and I sat on the floor. A few seconds went by before Todoroki went off.
"Am I doing something wrong? I thought he liked me. You thought he liked me. And now he's off with kirishima acting like a whole couple and like this Is normal? I'm surprised Bakugou hasn't even tried anything! But what can I do? I don't want to sound rude but it's like their doing this on purpose. To get me jealous. And I don't know what to do and you guys are the only people I can talk to." He put his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. I felt bad for him I mean my childhood friend is going through a love crisis and I don't know what to really do or say. Kirishima and Midoriya look happy together so I don't really know what to say.

" Well you could always talk to him?" Kyoda said plainly. "It's not that hard I mean I'm pretty sure Midoriya would be honest with you if you just talk it out."
"Yeah! And maybe-" I started but got cut off my Todoroki. "It's not that simple. Kirishima told me that 'if I want him then I'm gonna have to take him'" we were all quite after that. He clearly doesn't want to hurt midoriya but he also wants him. He's giving midoriya what he wants but is hurting himself in the process. But this is different than any thing he's been through. He's never dealt with love or even a small amount of affection. So this is emotionally hurting him through the fact that this is his first crush or any person he's actually taken a liking to on his own. So of course he's jealous and doesn't know how to deal with it. I may be smart but I'm not that good at giving advice. But who else does he have? Not may options.

"Well maybe you could ignore him?" Kyoka asked. Todoroki looked up and thought about it. "That seems like the only thing I could do right now." He muttered
"Wait aren't kirishima and Bakugou dating or something?" Kyoka added on. "No but they are very close. One of them just hasn't made the move so Kirishima probably got impatient with him and is making him jealous. Like how they're probably doing with you." I sighed feeling bad but it's pretty obvious. Todoroki still looked sad. "Hey! Cheer up! The night is still young. And don't worry he'll come around eventually." I tried to cheer him up but didn't really seem to work. He sighed but nodded getting up. I helped kyoka up along with myself. "Thank you.." I heard Todoroki mutter. "Your welcome you hopeless boy." I playfully punched his shoulder. He just rolled his eyes. We all walked out with Kyoka and I in the front with hopeless boy in the back slightly mopping in the back

We walked in the room and we sat back down but Todoroki walked right past and into the kitchen.

Todoroki's POV

I went to the Kitchen to get a drink. I grabbed a Pepsi. I opened then heard another person walk in the room. "Hey dude!" Kirishima walks in. I looked over at him not saying a word. He pulled out a water, a Dr. Pepper and a Coke.
"Are you mad at me?" He questioned leaning back against the counter opening the Coke and taking a drink. "No, why would I be?" I said taking a drink of my Pepsi. "Ya know the whole me and Izuku thing. I can tell you guys have something going on."
"Yeah I know and...fine with it as long as my friends are happy." I glanced off to the side holding back my urges to beat him. "Woah dude really?" He straightened his posture;
"Yup It wouldn't matter's not like I matter that much to him." I muttered the last part, I don't think he heard. "What do you mean it wouldn't matter?" He edged closer to me. I sighed. "I mean that if it costs my little bit of happiness for someone I actually care and love to be happy then, that's what's gonna happen." I had enough and walked away, bumping his shoulder slightly.

All I said was true, being the son of Endeavor and having no childhood with no but one or two friends made it hard to be happy. But when I met Midoriya he really changed my life. Getting me to come to terms with my left side and excepting my fathers side along with rebuilding a better relationship with my mother. I could never thank him enough. But I want him to be happy and He's done much for me I should do the same.

But I can't. I need him with me and there's nothing I can do about it. But watch.

I hope this clears some things up

No, Bakugou and kirishima are not

Yes, Todoroki snaps at some point.

Yes, Todoroki's character is a bit different then how he usually is but i think this would probably be him if he's jealous started getting the best of him and he's a hero he's willing to sacrifice things because it's 'the good thing to do'

But I hope you guys are enjoying this

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