chapter 18

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry. I'm not good with updating this if that isnt obvious but I'm working on a book of Oneshots so you guys have something else to read in the meantime:) and again I'm sorry but of course they probably wont be updated that much but I will try because you guys seem to enjoy my stories!
Warning! There will be some triggers in this story that consists of fighting (physically), cursing and more So..yeah if you dont like weapons and sad aware

Still Midoriya's POV

We started to walk around the beautiful area, momo and Jirou would walk into clothing stores or just interesting shops while Todoroki and I followed and chatted about random things.

Kancchan ended up walking away with Kirishima doing gosh knows what, I'm assuming that one of the two got bored looking at women's clothes so they went somewhere else. So it was just the four of us walking together around the plaza, harbor area.

In the whole area there were multiple little vendors or shops connecting to this big square in the middle of everything that had a glassed ceiling so when it rains people have some cover. There was a 'inside' and an 'out'. Shops that were inside were your average shops in places like a mall and the outside was kind of like a farmer's market. It had many things from, clothes to wind chimes but it all worked together nicely.

"Hey guys why dont we go outside and see what they have there?" Momo tugged Jirous arm and ruffled my hair on the way to the arched door way outside. The two girls began to walk off hand in hand clutching their bags full of clothes and knickknacks, we simply followed behind. As we started to walk I felt a slightly cold hand ruffl my green locks. I looked up and saw todoroki, head tilted to the side with a small content smile on his face as he mimicked Momos action. I gave him a toothy smile, leaning into the touch before he pulled his hand away and slid it down his side before reaching out and intertwining his hand into mine. Although it was a small act of affection it still said a lot to me, I blushed looking away to the side, he didnt need to say words that his actions said.

We arent officially a couple but at times I do think that we are. From The small sweet words to the charming remarks who wouldn't think that? We both know we have feelings for each other and I guess that's why were on this date but it feels like we've been together as a couple this whole time.


We were now outside looking at all the random things laid on tables or in bins. I found two matching AllMight
Keychains and bought them while Todoroki was helping Momo pick out some hair accessories. "Hey Midoriya." Jirou popped over my shoulder with a casual lopsided smile. "Oh hi Jirou!" I smiled back.
"Sooo whatcha got there?" She cocked a brow leaning her head against my arm.

"Ah, is the other half for this lovely lady?" The older who was next to us asked, Jirou did her usual "Pffft" noise and I flustered up. "U-um no..actually it's for my..f-friend..." I didnt want to say friend but that's what we were. Just friends. "Awh my bad, you guys are cute though."

"Hah sorry ma'am but were not dating and were both very gay." Jirou casually laughed. How could she say that so casual! Especially to a stranger! "Oh I see my apologizes! I didn't know." The older woman apologized. Only for us to say it was okay, we ended up getting into a small conversation about were we got our 'hip clothes' as she called it. "Hey babe! Midoriya!" Momo skipped over with todoroki, she pulled Jirou into a side hug and flashed me a kind smile. Todoroki walked over to me and put his head onto my shoulder and let it rest there. Hes so cute I thought, I looked over and The older woman smiled and walked over to me before patting my shoulder. "Friend?" She questioned pointing at the small bag in my hand. "Um y-yeah.." I nodded, a heat growing to my face.

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