Get to know the author

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Hello, hello! I was tagged by the lovely YourGirlsLeftNutt to get to do this thing which is kinda like getting to know the author so in return I thought why not do it

1. My name?
- If you know me personally then ya know but I'd rather not say, but if you want to see who I am etc my Instagram is @skullz_artist and you can find information there!

2. Single or taken?
- I am a single pringle

3. What is my sexuality/ my gender?
- I am bisexual and I personally don't care what pronoun you would like to address as. If you want to or you perceive me as He/Him then use He/Him, They/Them, She/Her, whatever it doesn't personally matter to me as long as you see me, as me. If that made any since at all haha. But I was born a female so if using She/Her makes you more comfortable then I'm chill with it:)

4. Hobbies?
- I enjoy painting, drawing and anything in the creative realm. I enjoy making props for cosplay and I am attempting to get more into the cosplay area. I also obviously like to read and write but writing is not my strong suite

5. Do I play an instrument?
- Yes I play the violin and I have been playing for over four years, I also kinda sing I was in choir for also four ish years till I got into orchestra. I can also kinda dance

6. My favorite animes?
- obviously I really love My Hero but I also enjoy, Soul Eater, Haikyuu(definitely) , Kinda Demon Slayer (recently getting into it), danganropa and many more

7. Anime or manga?
- I personally read the manga for My Hero, on paperback I have manga 9 and am hoping to get more! But I also watch the anime for most other animes (if that makes since)

8. Do I have any person body modifications?
- no one I am not old enough for tattoos (so that says something about my age, dont question it, thank you)
I also only have ear piercings but I hope in the future to get a septum and snakebite piercings

9. Obviously since this is a My Hero Academia story, who is my favorite character?
-I really like todoroki (obviously most people do) Sero, Denki and Monoma . My favorite girls are Tsuyu and Jirou. Lastly my favorite Pro hero is Best jeanist and Mirko! And I know everyone is going to hate me when I say this but Mineta is also one of my favorites

10. Let's leave this off on a good note, what is my favorite color and favorite animal(s)?
- my favorite color is blue and favorite animals are white tigers, foxes, owls and Ravens:)

I hope you guys got a kick out of this and I will hopefully update with a new chapter soon:)

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