Chapter 6

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Warning ⚠️ there is gonna be a little bit of kirideku or kirishima x Midoriya! I put them in for some drama! I hope you guys enjoy (also it adds too the story line so u would NOT recommend skipping! Thank you)

Midoriya's POV

I didn't know Todoroki was such a flirt! It's weird..but I kinda like it..? This is just such a different side then what I'm used to. The cold shoulder, no human interaction Todoroki. Not this flirty, out there Todoroki. But to be honest, it was kinda- no really hot. I mean he has his shirt off and everything!

Before I could finish Tsuyu turned to me, " So Midoriya, truth or dare?"

"D-dare." I stuttered, I don't even know why i choose dare! "I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with kirishima." She looked over at kirishima. I was so confused why it was kirishima I mean what relation do we really have? But then it hit me. I got up and looked over at kirishima and he got up as well. As I looked at him Bakugou gave me the death stare. I knew it. We walked over to the closet in the room and walked in, it was a pretty big closet with nothing in it. We closed the door when we were both in.

" and kancchan?" I questioned sitting down across from kirishima. "W-what I mean yeah..I guess what about us?" He stuttered, nervously rubbing the back off his neck. "I mean it's probably obvious you're the only one that's able to calm him down and you guys hangout a lot. And you guys are pretty affectionate! It's cute."
"Well yeah I like him..but when it comes to him I don't know." He looked down sadly. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry kirishima! Just make the first move! I've never seen kancchan like this with anyone!"
"Ya think?" He looked up at me. "Of course!" I gave him a closed eye smile, pulling my arm back. "Alright! Thank you midoriya! and Todoroki?" He wiggled his eyebrows jokingly. My face immediately felt hot. I was blushing. "N-no..he definitely doesn't like me back." MI sighed. "What are you talking about! I saw him wink at you! Practically flirting without talking! I saw the sparks!" He gleamed with excitement. My face grew more red just remember what happened. "Y-you saw t-that?"
"Well yeah! You guys would look so awesome together! I mean hero Deku and Hero Shoto! I'd say a pretty manly team!"
"Y-you mean that? I wouldn't say that. His quick is obviously better-"
"Dude that's some weird shit." He said cutting me off. I laughed in response. He also laughed at his how words. "Ya know Todoroki looked kinda pissed-"

"COMR ON OUT!" Mina screamed swing open the door. "Awww you guys weren't doing anything...oh well!" She moved out of the way as we walked out the closet. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Kirishima leaned in close to my ear. "Hey go get him, also don't take this in a bad way." He grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek. I was flustered at first but decided to go with it. And wrapped my arms around his neck, he looked at me in the eyes and nuzzled his nose against mine with a smile. And I smiled back my face still red. "Awww so something did happen!" Mina squealed. "Right Bakugou, right Todoroki?" She smirked, looking at the two. "Yup you're fuckin' right pinky." Kancchan looked pissed, his eyes liked daggers that you kill me in an instant. "Todoroki? What about you?" She nudged him. He seemed to take a breathe before saying. "Yup same with him." Todoroki also seemed pissed but something more, kinda sad. I felt bad since he was my crush but I wanted to keep this going.

"Hey guys we're just friends, with slight benefit." He winked at me. I giggled in response nuzzling into his neck. He fluffed my hair, pulling me closer.

After a few minutes we finally pulled apart and sat back down in our spots. "Have you caught on?" Tsuyu whispered next to Urakaka. "I think so." I whispered back. They gave me a thumbs up and turned back to the game.

Todoroki's POV

Kirishimas gonna be dead. For once I think me and Bakugou are in the same page of anger, jealousy and frustration. Seeing our crushes go all lovey-dovey on each other. He even kissed him on the cheek! He probably likes kirishima. I know I'm getting butt hurt on my crushes feelings but Bakugou is probably ready to ACTUALLY kill. (Which He is) But seriously how could this night get ANY worse!

Time skip to about half an hour later;)

I knew this night could get worse! We ended the game a while ago and turned on (put in your favorite horror movie) it's really good but kirishima and Midoriya are cuddling! Right next to me. I was next to the arm of the chair with Midoriya next to me followed by kirishima, Bakugou and more. And Urakaka and Tsuyu with their backs against the chair beneath Midoriyas legs. I wanted to bad to put my arm around him but kirishima was already there to beat me to it. A certain part played and Midoriya jumped a little next to me. He looked up at me with his beautiful emerald eyes. "S-sorry Todoroki." He smiled at me. I gave a small closed mouth smile back. "It's fine don't worry about it." He turned away and cuddled more into kirishima. Putting his head against kirishimas chest since he was a little bit smaller. He wrapped hi arms around midoriya and put his head on top of midoriyas looking at me. He winked at me and gave me a smug look.

I held in the want to burst him to flames by looking away in frustration. I got up and excused myself and walked to the bathroom. I was too frustrated to deal with this.

I locked the bathroom door and splashed my face with cold water. I felt my phone in my right pocket vibrate. I pulled it out to see a text from kirishima.

-Gay shark🦈: Hey I know your pissed but if you want him your gonna have to take him;)
-icyhot❄️🔥: what about you and Bakugou?
-Gay shark🦈: just trying to make him a bit jealous but I've grown a liking to Izuku so better take him before I do.
          Icyhot❄️🔥 Read

I hope you guys enjoy that small cliffhanger also the next chapter is gonna hurt me. Because it's hard for me to write certain types of 'violence' or angsty stuff but I'll do it! :)

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