Chapter 13: Ticklish

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Chapter 13

Harry's POV

I gazed at Lindsay with awe as she bowed towards the audience. Her performance sent chills down my spine. She walked off the stage as she watched her feet. It looked like she was trying not to trip over her feet. It made me chuckle.

She wasn't paying attention as she walked backstage and bumped right into me. She stopped in her tracks and looked up at me. I winked at her and slipped a piece of paper in her pocket. She gave me a questioning look. Before I could even think about saying anything to her, a stage hand grabbed me and dragged me back to the boys.

I meant to ask was on the piece of paper in her dressing room before she went on stage but I didn't have time, so I got creative and snuck it to her on a note.

I looked back at her and saw her speed walk back towards her dressing room. I smiled.

"What are smiling about?" Zayn said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing." I said, not taking my eyes off the direction Lindsay went. My stomach began to tingle as I thought about being alone with her tonight.


Lindsay's POV

I quickly packed my makeup and essentials that I brought to get ready into my rather large bag. A knock on my door interrupted me, but didn't stop me.

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opened and revealed a tall woman. I remembered meeting her earlier and she introduced herself as Sydney. She had long, black hair and a thin figure.

"Hey, Lindsay. I was wondering if you might want to tag along with me and some people to go to the after party. it's something we do after each first and last show of the tour." She smiled at me. "It will be a lot of fun." She chirped.

I laughed at what she was referring to. "No, thank you. I'm exhausted. I think I'm just gonna go back my hotel and sleep." I lied. I smiled as I thought about what was really going to be happening tonight.

"Okay," She frowned "good show tonight. See you." She wave as exited my dressing room.

I threw on my black leather jacket and picked up purse, letting it rest on my elbow. I looked around the room one last time before shutting off the lights and shut the door behind me.

I began to walk down the hallway. I was stopped by a tapping on my lower back. I swung around to see a little girl standing behind me. She looked to be about 7 years old. She wore a pink t-shirt that read 'One Direction is my summer love' and a bright blue, sparkly tutu with black leggings underneath it. Her hair fell onto her shoulders in blonde curls.

I noticed a woman with straight blonde hair standing behind her, holding her hand. I assumed it was her mother.

"Excuse me?" The little girl finally spoke, but it was merely a whisper.

I bent down on one knee, so I was at her level.

"Yes?" I said as sweetly as I could.

"Can I have your autograph?" She held out a t-shirt that had 'Lindsay Warren' written across it. I smiled at the little girl's request and the fact that there was a t-shirt with my name on it.

"She just could not stop talking about you after your performance. She begged me to buy a shirt and she saw you walking out of your dressing room and she practically dragged me over to you." The woman, who I assumed was her mother, said. She had a slight southern accent.

I smiled at her and nodded at the little girl. I grabbed the t-shirt and sharpie from her hand. I signed the shirt as neatly as possible but it didn't look fantastic since it was my first autograph. I handed it back to her and she smiled. I stood back up as the little girl and her mother walked away.

The little girl ripped her hand from her mother's and ran towards me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. She looked up at me. "Thank you." She said. I smiled at her and nodded.

"You're welcome."

She let go and ran back to her mom. I smiled and walked the opposite way.

I walked out the back entrance of the arena. I was met by a bodyguard getting out of a black car. I recognized him as a bodyguard that was at the airport with us. I knew I was safe with him.

He opened the back door for me and graciously smiled as I hopped in the back. I buckled in as the car began to move.


We pulled up to the back of the hotel and the bodyguard led me to the elevator. The silence was awkward as we waited for the elevator to reach the 12th floor.

"I'm Jim by the way." He broke the silence.

"Oh, well, I'm Lindsay." He chuckled at my remark. He probably already knew who I was.

The elevator dinged and he walked me to my hotel room door. I pulled my key out of my purse.

"Thank you, Jim." He nodded. I put the key card into the slot and the light on the door turned green, unlocking it. I walked into the room, leaving Jim alone in the hallway.

I threw my purse and jacket on my bed. Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. My breath hitched in throat.

"Did I scare you?" The husky voice rang in my ears and I knew who it was.

"Harry?" I turned around and my eyes met with his green orbs. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"After you left to go on stage, I snuck your extra key from your purse." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You took the key from my purse?" I playfully punched his chest. I didn't really care since privacy obviously wasn't a problem with us.

"I was gonna be all sweet and romantic and surprise you but I can't wait anymore." I gave him a questioning look but before my mind could register what was happening, his lips were on mine.

The kiss deepened and I couldn't help but smile against the kiss. He laid me down on the bed without breaking the kiss. His hands slid down my sides and lightly squeezed. I couldn't help but break the kiss when I let out a burst of laughter.

"Ticklish are we?" Harry cocked an eyebrow and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Don't you dare." I said in a stern voice.

His smile was almost devilish now. He squeezed harder on my sides and I couldn't help but explode into laughter. The laughter and the squeezing of my sides began to my stomach hurt.

"S-ST-STO-STOP!" I begged between laughter.

"What do you say?" He gave me a smirk. He knew he had power over me and I could tell how much he was enjoying it.

"Please?" I pushed out my bottom lip into a pout. He removed his hand from my sides, making me sigh in relief.

"Only cause you said please." He whispered in my ear, a bit seductively. The feeling of his breath hitting my neck gave me chills.

He leaned up against the headboard of the bed. I did the sane and sat next to him. He immediately pulled me into his chest. His chin rested on top of my head. He slowly slid the covers over our now entangled legs.

The feeling of his arms around me brought me comfort. I was exhausted from the concert and I could feel my eyelids slowly becoming heavier.

Soon enough I was succumbed by unconsciousness.


this chapter is actually pretty long. I know that isn't a lot of eventful stuff in the most recent chapters, but don't worry cause I have ideas for later that these chapters are leading up to. Please, still tell me what you think though. Comment, fan, and vote.

Thank you for reading. (:

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