Chapter 9: Thank You, Louis

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Chapter 9

Harry's POV

Before Lindsay could say anything, Louis jumped into my lap, calling me and Lindsay "lovebirds". I knew this made the situation more awkward since she whipped her hand away from mine. I couldn't help but let the frown show on my face. I didn't know what it was about Lindsay but I felt like I needed to be by her side just in case she had another break down. I felt like I needed to protect her from whatever it was that was haunting her, even though I still didn't know what that something was. 

Lindsay got up and began to head back into the bathroom. I gently pushed Louis off of my lap and followed Lindsay, ignoring the sarcastic remarks Louis was making from the floor. Before Lindsay could make it into the bathroom, I grabbed her arm and gently whipped her around. Her body faced me but she wouldn't look at me. 

"Can we please talk?" I whispered to her. 

She shrugged, avoiding my eyes. I took it as a yes and pulled her into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind us. The bathroom was small and definitely wasn't made for two people to stand in. I couldn't help myself from being close to her. 

"I know something is wrong..." I looked down to her and she still wouldn't look at me. "Lindsay, please. You can't break down like that and then shut me out." I put my hand on her chin and made her face me. 

She let out a sigh. "It's my dad." She whispered, I could already see the tears forming in her eyes. She took a deep breath before speaking again. "Two years ago, my dad died in a car accident." Her voice was so quiet and she sounded scared and broken. "I was in the car with him and we were rushed to the hospital and he died before I could even wake up. It's something i've never been able to live with... that my dad's dead. Since the accident, I've had nightmares about it." She had tears rolling down her cheeks. I slowly reached up and wiped the tears off her cheeks with my thumb. Her blue eyes looked up at me. "I'm sorry." She whispered and the tears started to roll down her cheeks faster. Her sobbing became harder and she buried her faced into her hands. I quickly wrapped my arms around her tiny body as tight as I could. I wanted to stop her sobbing, but even me hugging wouldn't do that. 

I didn't know what it was like to lose a parent, but I knew that she needed somebody. I needed to be that somebody.

She fit perfectly in my arms and the moment would of been perfect if she wasn't crying. I didn't know what to do. I just hugged her tighter as she buried her face into my neck. She wrapped her arms around my torso.

After minutes of holding her, trying to contain her sobs, she released her grasp from me. I gently held her face in my hands. I wiped the tears from her face with my thumbs. I stared into her beautiful blue eyes. 

I could feel myself inching closer to her face and I could see she was inching closer as well. 

Is this really going to happen? Am I going to kiss Lindsay? I thought to myself. We were so close now, I could feel Lindsay's breath on my lips. 

There was a knock on the door and Lindsay quickly whipped away from me. I sighed in frustration. 

"I don't know what you two are doing in there but I think the plane's about to land!" Louis yelled on the other side of the door. 

"We're coming!" I shouted back. 

"We should probably get out there." Lindsay said as she slid past me out the door. I nodded in agreement and walked out the door. I was greeted by Louis who was had a cheeky grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and went and sat in my seat. I looked over at Lindsay and gave her a smile. The smile she returned was weak. If Louis hadn't interrupted, things wouldn't feel so awkward... or maybe they would. I don't know. 

There was only one thing I was thinking.

Thank You, Louis.


2 chapters in 2 days? Say WHAT?!?! I was pretty inspired to write this weekend so I thought I would give you some chapters. 

So... things are getting pretty interesting with Harry and Lindsay, right?!?!

Thank you for reading, everyone. Please, vote, fan, and comment. Tell me what you think about Harry and Lindsay! (:

P.S. For the next couple chapters or so, depending on how long it takes, I am going to do a "Meet The Character" kind of thing. I'm gonna feature a picture of a character every chapter so you guys know what they look and so you know what they look like and all that jazz. 

So, our first character is Lindsay. There's a picture of her featured to the right. >>

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