Chapter 2: A New Life

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Chapter 2 

Lindsay's POV:

I could hear my alarm going off but i didn't want to move. i rolled over, twisting myself more into my sheets, and slapped the snooze button. i untangled myself and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, sitting up. I looked over at the picture on my end table. it was of me and my dad. i was only 9 months old and my dad was squishing my fat baby face to his. "Happy Birthday, Daddy.." i whispered to the picture before kissing the glass of the frame. Today was my dad's 44th birthday... keyword: was. it had been two years since my dad died in that car accident. a lot had happened in the past two years. 

After my dad's death, I fell into an awful depression.. my sister ended up moving to Florida with her boyfriend. After i finished high school, i decided i needed a new life, a new start. so i didn't just move out of the house or the state, i moved out of the country. i moved to England. i applied to an arts school in London and i am majoring in the one thing that makes me happy these days. Music. 

I could hear my roommate's alarm going off. My roommate was my bestfriend, Claire. She had been my bestfriend since 8th grade and after my dad died, she was always with me. She ended up applying for the same college and we both got accepted. She moved with me and now we go to school together. 

i walked into Claire's room and threw a throw pillow on her head. "Claire, come on! we've got to be at rehearsal in an hour!" Me and Claire were doing a showcase together... Our director had given me a solo part which pretty much means I had my own show. Claire was one of the dancers. She sometimes helps choregraph the show. 

After waking the zombie that is Claire, i jumped in the shower. I let the warm water run down my back. 

I got out and dried my hair, letting my wet soppy ringlets fall down my back. Since it was only rehearsal, i threw on a cut off sweatshirt, sweatpants, and some high top vans. i went into the kitchen to find Claire in leggings, dance shoes, and a baggy white tshirt pouring herself a bowl of cereal. "we have to go" i said before grabbing my car keys with Claire following behind. 

the car ride was silent until Claire broke the awkwardness. "are you okay?" i was confused and a bit taken back by her question. "yeah, why wouldn't i be?" i asked her while keeping my eyes on the road. "well, considering the day... Lindsay you don't have to hide it. It's your dad's birthday today and i know its eating you up inside to not be able to tell him or see him." I could feel the lump rising in my thoat. I hated that she knew me so well. i fought back the tears and kept driving. "i'm fine, Claire." i said kind of sternly hoping she would leave it alone. i guess it worked cause she leaned her head against the window and the rest of the ride was silent.  

We arrived at rehearsal 20 minutes later. All the dancers were already there and they were stretching and warming up. 

"okay, everybody! we're just gonna start from the first song and go from there..." yelled my director, Lucille. Lucille is exactly what you think a director would look like. She had the long robe and the over dramatic scarves. Her hair was pinned into a high floppy bun and she had glasses that were connected to a chain that was draped on the back of her neck. She always reminds me of the drama teacher from High School Musical. She was the drama, choir, and dance teacher at our school which is how me and Claire got into the show. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the director calling my name. "Yoohoo, Lindsay!" I snapped my head to meet her eyes. She was off the stage and skipping over to me. "I have something major to tell you." She had excitement in her eyes. I gave her a confused look and she continued to speak. "I got you the biggest break of your career." 

"what are you talking about?"

"well, some guy came here the other day. he was the manager of a famous band and he said he was looking for someone to hire for their opening act for their 2013 tour. They're coming to the show tomorrow night to see you.. they want to hire you! The band he manages is coming with him to see if they like you." My eyes widened. I started to get a knot in my stomach. I was already a little nervous since it was my first show but now a manager of a famous band wants to see me along with his famous band. Lucille's smile was so wide it looked like it hurt. She began to walk away until a question popped into my head.

"Lucille, wait." she stopped and spun around staring at me. "who's the famous band he manages?" I was hoping it wasn't anyone that famous cause that would be too much pressure.

"Well.... It's One Direction!" My jaw dropped to the floor. One Direction?!?! They were like the biggest boy band in the world. They're like right up there with Justin Bieber. I felt my heart beat faster. 

"okay, lets get this started." Lucille shouted as she sat down in her director's chair. I slowly made my way to the stage. I can't believe this is happening. I've been dreaming about this since... since my dad's death. 

I walked over to the starting point of the song. Once all the dancers and the band were in place the music started. The dancers began dancing and i began to sing. The only thoughts that were running through my head...

let's hope i don't screw this up.


alright, there is your 2nd chapter! not that exciting yet... it was kind of just a filler to explain everything... and as you guys guessed One Direction will be in the next chapter so keep on reading. Please comment, vote, and fan! I love feedback... <333

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