Chapter 8: Awkward Silence

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Chapter 8

Lindsay's POV

I woke up to the sun shining bright through the windows. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to block out the light, but it didn't work. I opened my eyes, squinting. I tried to get up to pull the shades down but realized someone was holding my hand. I looked over to see Harry sleeping in the seat next me. His mouth was hanging open and his curly hair was disheveled and covered his fluttering eyelids. His fingers were interlaced in mine. I smiled at his warm touch. Last night suddenly rushed back into my head and I mentally face palmed myself. 

I cried into Harry's shoulder like a little baby... Way to go. I quietly scolded myself. 

I slowly slipped my hand out of his, not waking him. I guess Harry was heavy sleeper. I stood up and closed the shades. My phone started to ring the song "R.I.P" by Rita Ora and I dove for my purse. I scrummaged for my phone. I quickly pulled it out and hit silence. I looked at Claire's face flashing on the screen.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Hey, Linds. So how's Florida?"

"We're still on the plane. Give me a second." I held the phone to my shoulder and tip toed to the bathroom, this time locking the door behind me. I slid down to the floor and pressed the phone back to my ear. 

"Hey, sorry. I didn't want to wake the boys."

"The boys? You're calling them the boys." 

"Oh, shut up. You know what I mean." 

"Yeah, whatever. SO how it going? are you and the BOYS getting along." I could hear the tease in her voice, but I shrugged it off. 

"Fine, except an awkward moment I had with Harry last night." 

"What'd you do?"


"Tell me... now"

"Okay fine." So I told her about how I had my normal nightmare, cried into Harry's shoulder, fell asleep in his arms, and woke up to him holding my hand. 


"You cried into his shoulder?" She slowly questioned.

"Yeah, i know it sounds dumb.... Look I'm gonna go I think the plane might be landing soon. Bye." 

I slid the phone into the pocket of my sweater and got up from the spot on the floor. I stood in front of the mirror. I looked like crap. My long curly hair was going in every direction and my makeup was still smudged from my crying last night. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and splashed cold water onto my face. I dried my face with a towel and turned around, unlocking the door. I walked out to find Harry sitting up his chair, scrolling through something on his phone. 

He looked up from his phone and smiled at me. 

"Hi." his voice was groggy and low. 

"Hi." I awkwardly adjusted on my feet and put my hands in my pockets. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yup." I began to twirl my phone inside my pocket trying to think of a way to not make this so awkward. I walked over and sat in the seat next to him. I brought my knees up to chest. 

"Hey, about last night..." He began but I quickly interrupted him. "Don't worry about it."

"Lindsay, something was upsetting you last night. I don't want you to feel hurt." He interlaced his fingers in mine. His touch sent chills down my spine. I turned my body to face him and opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by Louis jumping onto Harry's lap. "Alright you love birds!" He shouted and I whipped my hand from Harry's, making Harry frown. I didn't even realize anyone else was awake.

I didn't know what I was going to say to him, but it wasn't going to be the truth. My dad's death was always something that broke me and I didn't want Harry seeing the real me... 

The broken me. 


Hope you enjoyed, just something I quickly wrote up for you all! Please, vote, fan, and comment. Thank You for reading. (:

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