Chapter 10: The Kiss

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Chapter 10

Lindsay's POV

I grabbed my bags and rushed off the plane. Pulling my suitcase behind me, I followed Paul to the car that was taking us to our hotel. Paul politely took my suitcase and opened the sliding door of the white van. I sat in the seat and began to bite my nail on my thumb. 

I can't believe I almost kissed Harry. I thought to myself, almost biting my nail completely off. 

Even though I was a crying mess, I felt an attraction between Harry and I, pulling me closer to him. I wanted to kiss him; I still do.

 The door slid open and I dropped my hand into my lap, hiding my nasty habit. Harry climbed into the back with me and sat in the seat next me. He gave me a weak smile and I gave one back. Things were now awkward between us because I was stupid enough to pull away from that almost-kiss. I turned my head to look out the window. 

After 45 minutes of driving, we pulled up to our hotel. The paparazzi were already crowding the hotel and the van had to slow down so we wouldn't run over anyone. We slowly climbed out the van, trying to walk quickly into the hotel without being blinded by the flashes. The paparazzi were screaming all the boys names, but they didn't respond. They began to yell questions at me like, "What's your name?" and "Are you dating any of the boys?". 

We continued to walk forward. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the small of my back and I knew it was Harry. He was trying to protect me and it made my body tingle. We finally got into the hotel and Harry removed his hand, making me frown. We got into the elevator. Paul each gave us our hotel keys. 

Niall, Liam, and Zayn were in one room, Harry and Louis were in another room, and I was in my own room. 

The elevator dinged, indicating we were on our floor. Floor 12. We walked to our rooms, pulling our luggage behind us. Our rooms were all right next to each other. I stood in front of the door of my room and fumbled with my key. I placed the card in the slot of the door and the red light turned green, letting me open the door. I stepped into the rather large room. The carpet was red with hints of blue, the curtains were a floral pattern and the blankets on the bed were warm maroon. 

I placed my suitcase on the floor by the wall and walked over to the sliding glass door and opened the drapes. I stepped out onto the balcony and gasped at the view below me. It was a beautiful scenery of the ocean and palm trees. I smiled and walked back inside, falling back onto my bed. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and I got up to answer. I unlocked the door and turned the gold knob. I was surprised to see a head of curly hair standing in the door frame. 


Harry's POV

I watched Lindsay walk in her room and I walked into mine. Louis ran past me and ran to the bed by the window and jumped onto it. 

"I call this one!" He yelled. "Or we could share it." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes, placing my bags on the other bed. 

I walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, taking in the warm breeze. I looked over to the balcony next to me to see Lindsay standing there. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling as she breathed deeply. I backed away before she opened her eyes and could see me staring at her. I walked back inside. 

"Hey Louis, I'll be back!" I shouted as I walked towards the door. 

"Where are you going?"

I walked out of the hotel room before I could answer. I walked to the room next to ours and knocked lightly. The door opened and my eyes met hers. Her eyes were sparkling blue and her hair flowed lightly on her shoulders in loose, blonde waves. 

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Her eyebrows furrowed at the question, but I wasn't there to talk. I walked into her room and shut the door behind me. 

I put my hands on each side of her cheek and crashed my lips to hers. 


Yayyy! Chapter 10... Thanks for reading! Vote, fan, and comment. 

Harry kissed Lindsay. Want to read more? THEN VOTE SILLIES! (:

Is anyone else kind of upset about Haylor? I know I am... and I definitely know the Swifties are. My sister is a swiftie and she's pretty upset about it. You think the wars against Directioners and Swifties are bad on twitter? Imagine having one in your own house... Anyway, I'll shut up and leave you guys to vote and comment (about the story or Haylor. Idc.) 

BYE! xx

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