Chapter 26: My Angel

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Chapter 26

Harry's POV

My heart felt like it was going to stop as she lay still on the bathroom floor.

"No, not yet. This can't be happening. Not now." I cried. My body was frozen and I couldn't move. I knocked myself out of it. This wasn't about me. I dove to the ground, landing on my knees, trying to avoid the broken glass on the floor. Tears flooded out of my eyes, blurring my vision.

I grabbed her still body in my arms, cradling her. I was scared to touch her, afraid of breaking her fragile body. I couldn't even get myself to see if she was still alive. The idea of her leaving me suddenly became more real. For some reason, I felt like we had more time. This couldn't be happening.

I brought my shaky fingers up to her neck, trying to find her pulse. I moved my fingers around, unable to find anything. My throat began to close, constricting any kind of breathing.

Suddenly, I could feel a small, faint thump under my fingers. She was still alive. Tears rolled faster out of my eyes.

"My baby is alive." I whispered to myself. My head was pounding and spinning.

I stood to my feet carefully, trying not to drop her. I tip-toed around the broken glass and into the l bedroom. I looked down at her small body in my arms. She was still alive, yes, but she didn't look good. She had dark, heavy bags underneath her eyes, her ribs visible through her tight tank top, and her skin was ice cold.

I laid her on the bed, wrapping her into the blankets. I stroked the stray hairs off her forehead and stared down at her.

"Come on, baby. Wake up." I looked once more at her fragile body and knew I had to do something.

I walked over the end table by the other side of the bed and unplugged my phone from it's charger. I dialed the number and pressed the phone to my ear. My heartbeat still filled my ears, making it hard to hear anything.

The phone rang five times before the other line picked up.

"Hi, I need to speak to Dr. Wallace." I blurted into the phone before the person on the other line could even say hello.

"Sir, is this an emergency?" The woman on the other end said.

"It's about his patient, Lindsay Warren. Please, I need to talk to him." I could hear the desperation in my voice.

"One moment, sir." A playful tune came onto the phone, indicating that I was on hold.

"Hello? Harry?" Dr. Wallace's voice rang into my ears.

"Dr. Wallace, it's Lindsay. She passed out or fainted or something and she's unconscious and she's not waking up. I don't know what to do..." I said the whole thing so fast I could barely understand myself.

"Harry, slow down. You say, she passed out?"


"Has this happened before?"

"Well, back at the hospital. We were about to leave and I found her in the bathroom. She spun around too quickly and got dizzy. Luckily, I caught her before she fell... And last night, she had this coughing episode." My heart was pounding in my chest and my throat continued to close shut.

"Coughing? Dizziness?" He sighed, "Harry, she's getting worse. It's the signs of her body shutting down. Harry, I need you to start to prepare yourself."

My chest tightened at his words. The phone slid from my hand, falling to the ground. I could hear the screen shatter as it made contact with the floor. This couldn't happen. I wasn't ready to lose her. I never want to lose her, but I was going to. I ran my hand through my curls in frustration.

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