Chapter 15: Wrong For Each Other

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Chapter 15

Harry's POV

Their voices rang in my ears. My stomach dropped as I felt Lindsay's body tense. How were we gonna explain this one?

I took my hands off of Lindsay and turned my body around. My eyes met the eyes of my four band mates. Their jaws were practically hitting the ground out of shock.

I couldn't think of any excuse that would get us out of this one.

"You wanna, maybe, explain what's going on here?" Liam spoke first.

I looked over at Lindsay. We had nothing. She gave me an agreeing nod.

I let out a long sigh. "We'll tell you but can we go inside first?"

Liam nodded and led us into their room. The four of them all sat on the end of one bed.

"Well, me and Lindsay... have sort of been... dating?" I said waiting for their response. Once the word dating left my mouth, their jaws dropped farther.


Lindsay's POV

"Me and Lindsay have sort of been dating." The words left his mouth and for some reason, my stomach began to ache. I was nervous for their reaction. From the look of their facial expressions, they were in shock.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Niall broke the silence.

"We weren't really sure what this was until a week ago." Harry answered. My throat felt dry and every time I tried to speak, nothing would come out.

"We were going to tell you eventually." I finally spoke, barely audible. "l'm sorry." My voice was breaking. Zayn got up from his spot on the bed and wrapped me into a hug.

"It's okay, Lindsay. I respect your guys decisions." He gave me a weak smile. All the boys agreed accept for one boy.


"Harry, can I please talk to you alone?" Louis said in a stern manner. Harry nodded and they left the room.


Harry's POV

I followed Lou back to our hotel room. I could tell he was tense and upset. He sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing his knee rapidly.

"Are you this is a good idea?" Louis looked up at me. Confusion struck me.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Dating her." I didn't like the way he referred to her. "You guys barely know each other. If you guys continue to hide your relationship and someone finds out, it will blow up in both of your faces."

I knew Louis was right. I thought about what might happen if the public found out about us. How much hate she would get. Every time I did, I thought about the airplane. How she broke down in my arms. I never wanted her to feel that way again.

"I know Louis; me and her are almost wrong for each other but-"

"Wrong for each other?!?" A feminine voice shouted from behind me.

I whipped around to see Lindsay standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her face.


Lindsay's POV

"Wrong for each other?!?!" I screamed as the words rang in my ears. Warm tears ran down my cheeks, making my vision blurry. My chest began to hurt and I couldn't find words as I gasped for air from the crying.

"Lindsay, that's not what I meant..." His words were nothing but an annoying buzzing sound in my ear. He gently placed his hands on my arms, trying to comfort me. I quickly ripped him off of me.

"Don't touch me." I yelled with all the breath I could muster. I turned around and ran out of the door. I could hear Harry yelling my name but I didn't stop. I burst through the stairwell door and began to run down the 12 flights of stairs. As I reached the parking garage, I struggled to breathe from both the crying and the running down the stairs. My head felt like it was going to explode and my body felt like it was on fire.

I was able to rent a car as soon as we got to this state, in case I needed a drive. It always helped calm me and right now I needed one. A lot of people would think I was afraid of driving since the accident two years ago, but I wasn't.

I hopped into the rental car and started the engine. I peeled out of the parking garage and sped down the street. I was clearly speeding but it didn't matter to me right now.

I turned down a less traffic filled street. My mind was racing and tears were rolling quickly down my face, blocking my vision slightly. My phone began to buzz and I quickly picked it up. My eyes adjusted to the screen and saw the name on the text message.


'Please, come back. Let me explain.'

I rolled my eyes at the text. I was tired of being hurt. I was tired of feeling vulnerable. I was starting to fall for Harry hard, but in the end, he never caught me.

I threw my phone to the side and focused my eyes back on the road. As I looked up I was met with two bright lights, blinding my vision.


I swerved, trying to avoid the incoming collision...

But it was too late.


oooooooohhhh cliffhanger! Thanks for reading. Please comment, fan, and vote. (: tell me what you think.

I hope this chapter isn't too hard to follow since it jumps through POVs a lot. If you have questions about what happened, feel free to ask. (:

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