Chapter 6: Falling Harder

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Chapter 6

Lindsay's POV

I could feel the beads of sweat rolling down my face. The hot spotlights shined bright on my face. The steady beat of the music ended as I sang my last chord.

"Fantastic job guys!" I heard Scott yell from the sound booth. "I think that's a wrap for today. We'll see you guys tomorrow." I gave a thumbs up towards his direction, not being able to see where he was cause of the spotlights. 

I walked myself backstage and grabbed my jacket and purse. I slid the thick jacket over my tank top and threw my purse around my body. I headed for the back door but was stopped. 


I whipped around to meet a certain curly haired boy.

"Harry? What are you doing here? I thought you and the guys left?" 

He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. "Well... umm... I forgot something back stage." He stuttered while looking down at the ground. 

"Oh, okay." I felt so extremely awkward. I began to play with the hem of my jacket, making me look more awkward.

"By the way, you were amazing. Can't wait to tour with you!" I could feel my cheeks begin to redden and become warm.

"Thank you. I was a little nervous for everyone to hear me but I made it." I let out an awkward chuckle. 

"No, you were great. Well look, I have to go. I will see you tomorrow, Lindsay." He leaned forward, hesitating. His lips quickly tapped my cheek, sending chills throughout my body. He ran out the back door waving as I slowly walked behind.

He climbed into the back of the white van. I could see the silhouettes of the rest of the boys sitting in the back. I sent a smile their way as I climbed into my car.


Harry's POV

My lips hovered over her cheek. My body was going crazy on the inside. Lindsay was amazing. I felt this way since the first time I saw her at her showcase. I wanted to kiss her lips so bad; to feel them against mine. I quickly pecked her cheek and backed away, chickening out of making my move.

I didn't know what else to do. My stomach was full of butterflies and I was so nervous that my hands were starting to sweat. I realized my hand was on her side and I quickly released. I turned on my heel and headed out the back door, waving at her.

I opened the sliding door to the van and I met the eyes of my band mates. I turned around to see Lindsay climbing into her car. I climbed into the van, planting myself next to Louis.

"So... why did we need to come back?" Niall groaned from his seat.

"No reason." I couldn't help but smile. Zayn and Liam exchanged confused glances. I laid my forehead against the cold surface of the window. The smile was stretched across my face and I knew immediately...

I was falling for her.


DUN, DUN, DUNNNNN!!!! HAHA JUST KIDDING! SO... YOU LIKE? I wrote this chapter like a week ago on the way home from Virginia but I am just now posting it... sorry for all have been patiently waiting! ): Hope y'all are enjoying the story! (: IF YOU DO LIKE IT, PLEASE VOTE, FAN, AND COMMENT! xx thank you! oh, and I am sorry this chapter is so short. I am going to try to make the next one longer. 

P.S. can I just take a moment to say how extremely sad I am that Payzer broke up. They were like the perfect couple! Although I am sad, my opinions on Danielle have not changed. She is beautiful and I wish her the best in life. Anyone who has or is going to send hate to her (or even Eleanor or Perrie), STOPPPP!!!! They don't deserve it! Let them live their lives... Thank you. 

END OF RANT... (sorry for the rant)

okay, bye...  

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