Chapter 4: Signing The Papers

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Chapter 4

Lindsay's POV:

It had been a week since the showcase. A week since One Direction asked me to be their opening act. My head was still spinning from the realiziation of being asked to be an opening act. I was now on my way to some office here in London. I was meeting with the band and their managers and everything to sign the contract and everything. Just some stuff just in case I throw myself off the stage, they can't be blamed.

I pulled up to the tall skyscraper and parked my car. There were hundreds of screaming girls standing outside the entrance. I pushed my way through the crowd, getting elbowed a couple times, bruising me. I walked up to the receptionist sitting in the lobby. 

"Hi, I'm Lindsay Warren. I'm here to meet with One Direction about their tour."

"15th floor." She said while pointing to the elevator.  Her voice was monotone, sounding as if she didn't care. 

"Thanks" She gave me a fake smile as she continued to gaze at her computer screen, making me want to punch her. I shook off the feeling and made my way towards the elevator. The doors were silver and smooth and I could see my reflection in them perfectly. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I made my way into the elevator and stared at the numbers while each floor turned orange. The elevator music rang in my ears and I began to hum the terrible, catchy tune. The elevator reached floor 15 and dinged again. The doors slid open as I made my way out. I spotted a very familiar looking man standing in the lobby tapping away on his blackberry. As my high heels clapped against the marble floor, he looked up. He gave me a smile that I didn't know was fake or real. 

"Lindsay!" He yelled while walking over to. "I am Scott. I help organize the boys concerts and events. I wasn't able to introduce myself at the concert. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand and took it in mine, shaking it. "Anyways, the boys are waiting for you in the conference room. Right this way." I followed him down a long hallway and entered a conference. Before I could look around the room anymore, I was hit in the face by what felt like paper. I looked down to find a paper airplane lying at my feet. I looked up at the 5 boys staring at me like they hit me in the face with a bowling ball. 

"Oh my god, Lindsay we are so sorry." The curly haired boy ran over and cupped my face in his hands. "Are you okay?" He joked which made me laugh. "I'll take that as a yes." He said as he engulfed me in a hug. His arms wrapped around my back tightly. I could get lost in his hugs. I shook the thought off and released him. A cheeky grin was placed on his face showing his dimples. My stomach began to develop butterflies. He was still holding onto my arms. He removed his hands and immediately I felt his absence, wanting his touch back. 

I was engulfed in four more hugs then I was led to the long table in the center of the small room. I took my seat, which was next to Scott. I was checking my iPhone really quick when out of my peripherials I saw brown curls sit down next to me. I locked my phone and threw it in my disorganized purse. I turned my head to see Louis throwing his hands into Harry's hair making Harry fake cry. I began to giggle but quickly stifled my laughs when Scott started to talk to me. 

"Alright, Lindsay. I think we're ready to start... Here are the papers you need to sign." He slid about 5 papers full of words to me. Ugh. "Most of these are just for legal concerns, just in case." I nodded and he went on about all the legal shit that I really didn't care about. Finally, he was finished and I was more than ready for signing. 

"Okay, so sign here and here and here." I signed my name on the lines he asked me to. "Okay, well, congratulations, Lindsay. You are officially One Direction's opening act." He shook his hand as if it was the final action to seel the deal. Cheers were coming from the 5 boys at the table and I was engulfed in more hugs. "The tour starts in February but we will have to start rehearsals soon. We plan on starting them next month in November, but we will need to meet again to figure out what songs you will be singing since you don't have any of your own songs. Let's plan on meeting September 28th. That's about 3 weeks from now." He said this all while staring down at his blackberry. I pulled out my iPhone and opened up my calender app and let my finger hover September 28th. I tapped the screen and added the event. Knowing me, I would forget if I didn't put it down somewhere. 

"Sounds great." I said as I flashed Scott a smile. 

"Great, then we will be seeing you on September 28th." He smiled while STILL looking at his blackberry. With that, everyone stood up. I stood and threw my handbag onto my shoulder. I walked out of the room with the boys behind me. 

"It was great seeing you, Lindsay." I heard Liam speak from behind me and soon he brought me into a quick hug.

"Boys, sorry to interrupt this goodbye, but we have to get going. Your plane leaves at 6." Scott said while putting a blue tooth into his ear and dialing something on his phone. 

"Oh, where are you going?" I couldn't help myself but ask. 

"L.A...." Harry said while smiling. "VMAs... We're performing and we're nominated." 

"Wow, thats cool. Well, I gotta get going anyway. See you guys later." I hugged each one of them quickly, including Harry, refusing to let my stomach go through another butterfly frenzy. 

I walked out of the skyscraper and felt my phone vibrate between my fingers. It was Claire. 

                    Wanna meet me for coffee? 

I quickly tapped reply. 

                  Yeah, I definitely have something to get off my chest. 

I pressed send and made my way towards the coffee shop while thinking about a certain curly haired boy.


A/N: Here is the 4th chapter. I really honestly feel like I have no idea where this story is going. So many ideas in my head, AHHH! Anyways, VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN! Your feedback is always appreciated. I know this chapter is a day late but I am hoping to get the next chapter on time. Enough rambling for me... I will leave you with three words... Vote, Comment, Fan! Kay, bye! 

 I don't always spell check my chapters. I pretty much just skim over them, so I am sorry if there are any errors. I hope it still makes sense with my errors cause I am sure there are some errors. 

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