Chapter 3: Love At First Sight?

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Chapter 3

Lindsay's POV:

Tonight was the night. The showcase. Not only was i performing for the first time in front of hundreds of people but One Direction was coming to consider me as their opening act for their 2013 tour. ME?!?!?

I was bumped from my thoughts by Claire opening the door. "You okay?" She asked as she plopped down on the sofa sitting in my dressing room. She was dressed in her dancer's outfit which was a gold sparkly tank top with black leather leggings and black leather boots. I shook my head, not being able to say words. The room was filled with awkwardness. 

"You know..." Claire got up from her spot on the sofa and walked over to me "you're dad would of been proud." She placed her hand on my shoulder. I could feel the lump rising in my throat. I can't cry right now. I thought to myself. I swallowed the lump in my throat and embraced my best friend in a hug. She was the only person that I could rely on right now. "You're going to do great, Lindsay. I'll be up there with you."

Zoey, the head of the production, came through the door. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?" I shook my head and she continued to speak. "Well, we need everyone in their places. Curtain's in 5." I nodded and she left the room, shutting the door behind her. 

"Well, it's now or never." Claire said as she offered me her hand. I took one last look at myself before grabbing her hand. It's Now or Never.


"Tonight you will see a brand new talent..." My director spoke into the microphone as I watched her from my spot backstage. " here she is, for the first time, Lindsay Warren." And with that I walked on stage, the bright spotlights blinding me. the lights made it so i couldn't see the audience. This made me feel better. I stood in my spot, back to the audience, waiting for the music to start. I could see Claire looking at me and i gave her a reassuring smile. Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as i imagined. The steady beat of the music began to play and the dancers began to dance. Once it was my que, I turned around and began to sing. 

She, She ain't real

She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will

She is a stranger

You and I have history,

Or don't you remember?

Sure, she's got it all, 

But baby is that really what you want?

Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds

She made a fool out of you

And, boy, she's bringing you down,

She made your heart melt

But you're cold to the core,

Now rumour has it she ain't got your love anymore

Rumour has it, rumour,

Rumour has it, rumour

Rumour has it, rumour,

Rumour has it, rumour, 

Rumour has it, rumour,

Rumour has it, rumour,

Rumour has it, rumour, 

Rumour has it, rumour

She, is half your age

But i'm guessing that's the reason that you stayed

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