Chapter 18: Waiting

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Chapter 18

Harry's POV

Lindsay was finally put back in her room. She was connected to a bunch of wires and fluid bags that I had no idea what they were. There was a steady beeping coming from her heart monitor. She was stable and I hoped she would stay that way. I hoped she would wake up soon.

There was nothing I could do, except wait. Wait for her to open her mouth and let her soft voice ring through my ears. Wait for her to open her beautiful blue eyes.

I began to think about the time when I first fell in love with her gorgeous eyes...


The music was blasting through the speakers, making the floor beneath my feet vibrate. The club was dark except for the colorful strobe lights and the disco balls spinning above the dance floor. Me and the guys were dancing. Niall and Louis were already wasted, Zayn and me were a little buzzed, and Liam, of course, was 100% sober.

I was looking around the club everywhere, keeping my eye out for Lindsay. I had invited her to come tonight so she wouldn't be alone since it is New Years Eve.

My eye caught her perfect figure sitting at the bar. She had a drink in front of her and she was swirling it with her straw. My feet were already moving by the time my mind registered it. I leaned up against the cool counter. She was looking the opposite way and didn't noticed me walk up to her.

"You know, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting alone at a bar." She jumped and turned her head towards me. Her face lit up and she smiled, showing her pearly whites. She giggled and I could see her cheeks getting redder.

"A cute boy like you shouldn't be flirting with pretty girls like me." She joked.

"Ouch." I put my hand to my chest, acting like her comment hurt my feelings. She giggled. Her cute giggle made me melt and smile.

A steady beat coming from the speakers caught my attention. I recognized the song and my eyes widened, as did hers. It was What Makes You Beautiful.

"May I have this dance?" I bowed towards her and held out my hand. She played along and curtsied and took my hand. I led her out onto the dance floor and danced with her. She began to laugh hysterically at my bad moves, but I didn't care. Anything to hear her laugh.

My solo, the slow part, started and I grabbed onto her, pulling her closer. I danced slowly with her until the beat picked up again and I began my dreadful dance moves, but soon enough,

the music stopped. I led her back to the bar.

"3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone in the club screamed at once.

I looked into Lindsay's eyes and smiled. She was perfect. I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Happy New Year, Lindsay."

*end of flashback*

My eyes felt like they weighed tons. I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness, but I wouldn't let myself. I gripped harder onto Lindsay's hand. I could feel my eyes closing, and before I knew it, they were closed. I was on the verge of sleep.


Her voice rang through my ears, making my stomach jump. It was rough, scratchy, and quiet. I whipped my head up and I met her eyes. She was blinking and I could see the flash of blue in her eyes.

She was awake.


This was something I wanted to write for New Years Eve so that's why it has something from New Years. Hope liked it!

Thanks for reading. Please, comment, vote, and fan. (:

HAPPY NEW YEARS! 2013!!!!! (:

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