Chapter 19: Don't Leave

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Chapter 19

Lindsay's POV

My body was sore. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. It hurt to move, let alone breathe. I opened my eyes, but the light in the room was too bright, and I quickly shut them again. I knew I had to open them though. I had no idea where I was. 

I opened my eyes and squinted until they adjusted to the bright light. My head was throbbing and I felt like everything in my body was broken. My vision was blurry like I hadn't opened my eyes in days. My vision cleared up quickly and I could finally see everything around me. I was in a hospital room. Suddenly, all the memories of what had happened came rushing back into my head. How I crashed my car cause I was stupid enough to read a text while driving, how a man had saved me, and how I passed out before help could even get there. I could feel tears at the brim of my eyes. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat cause I knew if I started to cry, it would make my entire body ache. 

My eye caught a drowsy figure sitting in the chair next to my bed. Harry. His eyes were closed and his head hung low. He was dozing off and I could tell he was trying to fight it. I let out a chuckle but stopped as a surge of pain swept over my body. 

"Harry?" It came out as a pained sigh. 

His head whipped up and his eyes widened. "Lindsay..." He sighed of relief and immediately stood to his feet. He gently placed a kiss on top of my head, making me smile. He slipped his hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze. I felt a sense of safety at his touch and I could almost feel all the pain go away. "I'm so happy you're awake." He whispered into my hair. He moved his head down and pressed his forehead against mine. 

"Harry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of run out like that-" 

"Shhh, hey it's okay. Don't worry about it. I'm just happy you're finally awake."

"Finally? Harry, how long have I been out?" I could feel his body tense. 

"I think the doctor should explain that one. I'll go get him." He stood up straight and released my hand and walked out into the hall. 


Harry's POV 

"Harry, how long have I been out?" I could hear the pain in her voice. It made my chest tighten. How was I supposed to explain everything to her? I couldn't even think about it without feeling pain within me. If I were to tell her, it was definite I was going to break down. 

I walked out into the hallway and up to the nurse's desk. She was sitting at her computer typing frantically. 

"Excuse me?" She looked up from her computer screen. She was a middle aged woman. She had brown hair, pinned up into a bun, and her glasses sat on the tip of her nose. "Lindsay Warren is awake." Her eyes widened and she quickly picked up her phone and dialed a four digit number. 

"Paging Dr. Wallace." She spoke into the phone. The doctor came jogging down the hallway. He stopped at the counter, panting. 

"What's the problem?" He said between heavy breaths.

"Lindsay is awake." I couldn't help the smile that played on my face. 

"Really? That's great." I could hear the enthusiasm in his voice. He grabbed a chart off the nurse's desk, which I assumed was Lindsay's. "Let's go take a look at her." He gestured for me to head into her room. 

We walked into her room. She looked up at us when we walked in and tried to sit up, but she winced in pain. I rushed over to her side and held her tiny body as the pain slowly vanished and I could feel her body begin to relax a little. 

The doctor stood at the end of her bed and opened her chart. He glanced through it for a few seconds and then he looked up at us. He began to explain everything that had happened; from the accident, to her flatlining, then to her surgery. 

I could feel her body tense in my arms. A slight whimper came from her mouth that only I could hear. I didn't know if it was from the pain or the news the doctor was giving her but either way, I knew she was scared and in pain. I wrapped my arms tighter around her, careful not to bring her more pain. 

"I'll leave you guys to let the news sink in. I'll be back later to check on how she's doing." I nodded as he turned towards the door. 

I slid into the bed next to her slowly. I held her closer into my arms and she nestled her head into my chest. 

"Don't leave." She whispered. 

"Never." I placed a kiss on top of her hair. I could finally feel her body relax again, making me relax. 

I let out a sigh of relief. I was so happy she was awake. 

Everything was going to be okay. She was going to be okay. 


Aww, Harry and Lindsay are very cute. I don't think I will ever be able to write a very long chapter. I try but never succeed. ): 

I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading. I really appreciate all y'alls feedback so please continue with it. DON'T BE GHOST READERS! 

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Love y'all! Happy New Year! 

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