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(TW: Anxiety)

Leviathan's POV:

"What?! No, No, No! Don't! It'd be so chaotic!" My favorite child said. I see those fellows are looking at this boy, I chuckled, "you wanna end up being dead like other rogues? Then let me, we agreed and I am doing it to protect you, so lets me take care..."

Baekhyun hesitated and chuckled nervous to tell them that he's okay, 'fine...' his mind commented.

"Excellent!" I started to take over... Here I come, my dear master.

No One's POV:

Baekhyun's eyes went white, "Arrest me, half of them shall die and more would come, fools!" the voice cackled and by then the teeth grew sharp, the veins glow like his mother with the powers that make that place rumbling.

Chanyeol smirked as he is so pleased, "I've been waiting for this," his face transformed and the teeth grew sharper too before biting others aggressively and used the hands to rip the flesh apart and some of them were eaten.

Baekhyun was controlled by leviathan the spirit who cooperated with Lunar aka his mother, Baekhyun chuckled and used his powers to execute the security angels, "well, it's interesting and nothing changes... I see." His face turned to Heechul, "did you enjoy your exciting scene clip?" Chanyeol and Baekhyun were stained by the blood.

"You... You...! SuperM members, fight them!" Heechul commanded.

Taeyong, Ten, Lucas, Taemin, and Mark didn't move and smirked as long as they betrayed Heechul too, "you think I would listen so do they?" Taeyong asked and walked to Baekhyun to link his hands around the arm of the older, Baekhyun aka his crush.

Baekhyun laughed, "Perfect! Welcome to hell!" he signaled the boys to circle Heechul and knocked him into a coma for a while. Heechul didn't have the chance to say anything at all and the rest of the boys exited.

"Well, master! You're safe... now you can handle it for a bit, I am going to sleep. Nice to see you all again." and Baekhyun's eyes went back to normal as his eye twitched in shock; "I can't believe what I witnessed... I need to get used to it." he sighed and looked at each boy and Chanyeol was holding Baekhyun's another arm, "welcome back babe but Taeyong, get off of him!"

"oh here comes the argument between the kings..." Mark sighed. Taemin looked at Mark confusedly, "did it happen before?"

Three NCT members nodded in response while Taeyong and Chanyeol were arguing and what about Baekhyun? He tried to calm both down but it didn't turn out and it made it worse, "ugh... fucking childish children..." He sighed as he was suffering from pulling aside by the kings.

"He's mine! Back off and he is going to carry MY baby!" Chanyeol hissed even he's on the normal form.

"Oh really?! Fight me!" Taeyong hissed even he looked so handsome while he seemed very cold, "And either way, I have a huge crush on this one so I would do a better job than you do!"

"Well, at least, I changed! Where did your eyes and brain go? Did it even fly away to the swamp?"

"Also I always want to tell you that you are 99.9% stupid!"

Baekhyun choked because the saliva got on the wrong way, he coughed, "as long as I don't have fucking viruses..." he coughed. The king patted his back, "YOU OKAY?!"

"Ahem, yes sweeties, you both need to work on this problem because I am highly certain around 85% of the chance wouldn't be settled when we go out on the adventure to cure the young brothers who were possessed because of the bitch. I also need to grab her as soon as possible as long as you both shut the fuck up." Baekhyun stood still even he felt like he was gonna get ripped in half. 

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