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No One's POV

Baekhyun opened the door, a pretty female shot a gas glitter bomb as self-defense, The archangel known as Baekhyun coughs and Chanyeol sneezes a few times plus their eyes hurt.

"Ugh Tae! My eyes!" Baekhyun whined and used his shirt to dust off and Chanyeol did the same, "oh dear, I didn't know I am awfully allergic to pink glitter and I am glad my health condition wasn't too bad," he mocked.
Baekhyun choked before laughing for the first time.

Taeyeon tackled Baekhyun, "you're back!" She hugged him tightly plus the bone cracking could be heard. His body got so painful even he didn't complain.

"C-c-can't b-breathe!" Baekhyun gasped.

"Oops sorry!" She released him, "your food is ready to be eaten!"

Baekhyun frowned, "I-"

"Sorry bitch, he is moving in with me, go ahead baby, pack your things," Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun's forehead. Baekhyun blushed again, he walked away to his room to grab the luggage and started packing. Taeyeon ran and unpacked everything as she refused to accept. 1) she loves Baekhyun and 2) she can't let him go with a worst enemy who can murder the angel, "you can't go!"

Chanyeol hissed and pulled her hair then smashed her head against the wall, "he doesn't love you, let him do what he wants and I as the king commanded him to move in and be my wife plus carry our heirs."

Baekhyun stopped them, "stop arguing! Don't hurt each other!"

"About that, yes my queen," Chanyeol bowed and winked seductively towards him in front of Taeyeon the witch. Chanyeol pulled Taeyeon out to let Baekhyun focus on packing. Baekhyun must hurry up because he could see through the prediction that Chanyeol and Taeyeon are going to kill each other.

"I'm d- holy!"

He saw Chanyeol push Taeyeon harshly and saw Taeyeon survive getting hit her head against the counter but her forehead was bleeding; Chanyeol switched his face to Leviathan and was so close to chomp her.

Baekhyun deterred Chanyeol on the time, "stop!" He begged. Chanyeol stopped, he nodded, "you're lucky, my angel, are you ready?"

Baekhyun hesitated and nodded, he looked at Taeyeon and didn't say sorry but his eyes did. He grabbed Chanyeol's dry hand to hold and pulled, they both went back to room and took all belongings then whooshed into air.

Taeyeon got so frustrating after hearing the air whooshing like a ghost, "ARGH! CHANYEOL, YOU ARE GOING TO GET SUE FOR TAKING MY BAEKHYUN!"
She groaned in pain and then her phone rang. She picked up the call from Taehyung, "hello Taehyung..."

"Hey, are you okay? I had a feeling that you was going to have a bad day."

"Honestly? Yes, Chanyeol took Baekhyun and made him move out to live with him, I don't know where he live. Anything else you've seen or sense?"

"Yup... you'd want to fight as long as you're fighting to get him to love you as wife and husband, Uh... sadly, it is not gonna happen because Baekhyun is going to produce children and marry a dangerous king happily ever after like a fairytale."

"Hold on, what? He abducted him and they both will be happy to be together? It doesn't make sense! He is MINE! Oh God... someone please grant my dreams."

Taeyeon gripped her hair and felt unbalanced, "little brother, please come over because I'm not feeling well after having a first fight against Chanyeol for Baekhyun."

"Wait! What?! Noona! He would eat you alive! I am coming!" He hung up and was on his way to meet her. Taeyeon took a painkiller medicine and treated herself, she felt numb.

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