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No one's POV:

Baekhyun widened his eyes then furrowed his eyebrows, "tsk, maybe I don't," his eyes sharpened the stare as if he was going to murder an older friend who took care of him meanwhile doing something to brainwash him and betrayed in the end.

Taeyeon was wearing something gorgeous to impress Baekhyun as Baekhyun used to applaud her when he was so fondly; unfortunately, this time he shunned her attires that she was wearing and waited for her misery respond.

The half shapeshifter witch frowned, "you've changed so much, you're a person who I no longer know who you are but sadly, you're ensured to come with me, isn't that wonderful that I shall make everything go back to normal?" She smiled as she touched Baekhyun's chest and leaned her face closer to flutter Baekhyun.

He wasn't affected by her flirtation this time, "sorry lad, I'm not interested to go back and change it. I want to stay here, I want this life... leave the kingdoms alone or else. If you insist, you'll die on my hand without hesitation." Baekhyun pushed her off lightly.

That was the prediction Taeyeon witnessed, her heart crumbles and burns like the fire, her smile faded, "I beg your pardon! They're unworthy! What's wrong with you?!"

Baekhyun noticed some foes were hiding somewhere to give the surprise ambush, he sensed and smirked, "my fellows, gorgeous soldiers, my brothers and sisters, my friends and my fiancée, hear me out! KILL 'EM!" he shouted with full authority, everyone screamed as they cheered his order, some used canon to shoot and some fight and used their methods to kill their enemies.

Baekhyun's eyes glowing red, Taeyeon turned herself into Chanyeol, the same style. He could tell which one is real and the one who is fake. Taeyeon as Chanyeol was going to ambush Baekhyun and did every technique to trap him, nothing works. The fake Chanyeol ran to the real king and was so close while the king was busy killing and fighting others.

Almost everywhere were full of blood and death, Baekhyun used his mother's power as he was informed by the book! He sped up and spreading his wings, the fake clone was going to behead Chanyeol, "BABE! WATCH OUT!" Baekhyun yelled and pushed with super-strength ability then the hands gripped the wrists, "hello little bitch," he banged his head against the clone and snatched the blade.

Chanyeol fell down and defending himself as he killed the last one who tried to run away, he was in Leviathan versión without transforming the appearance and was surprised that Baekhyun saved him. He saw Baekhyun pointed the supernatural blade to the throat while resting his right boot on Taeyeon's stomach, "retreat now!"

Taeyeon transformed and her throat lumped as she was going to cry, "w-where did my clueless Baekhyun go?"

"He is right here, come back to fight us when you're ready. Obviously, you aren't," Baekhyun released her, Taeyeon bit her lips as she witnessed all her soldiers had passed away, she stood up, "but... I AM NOT FINISHED!" she was going to slap the fearless Baekhyun, Chanyeol went in front of Baekhyun and grabbed her wrist as well, his eyes turned so red, his white teeth which were covered some of the blood were sharp like the dragon.

"Never attempt to slap my fiancée!" Chanyeol screeched and tightened her bone, Taeyeon shrieked in pain.

"Guards! Dump her out of this world, now!" Chanyeol shouted.

"Yes, Your Highness!" The guards bowed quickly and the king managed to knock her out and tossed her to them. The guards did their job to kick her out, he turned and cupped Baekhyun's cheeks, "love! You're okay!" Chanyeol unleashed his beast, he went back to normal without the black veins nor the Leviathan face.

Baekhyun touched his hands, "Chan! You're okay too!"
Exo members ran to them, "now, everything is clear out, no foes left in this kingdom."

The king and his fiancée saw their fellows also NCT - almost all of the strangers are alive and several passed too.

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