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Chanyeol's POV:

I just sat on the throne, listening to a prophet's lamest speech, I kept finding those "entertainers" so boring and I wasn't paying attention as long as it almost got me to drift off.

"Blah, blah, blah, the rumor must be fucking false! This isn't helping, get out of here until you're called or you bib yourself and eat yourself. I bet you must taste so awful, shoot!" I interrupted and rolled my eyes. My fingers ran through the red hair, watching that boring Leviathan walking out of my sight. Great!

Sehun ran to me, that's my favorite little brother, he stood in front of me, "Hyung! I think I found a beautiful ideal boyfriend to keep you in the company." He smiled excitedly. I just stared at Sehun without the smile on my face; sulking and didn't want to feel impressed.

"Now what? Last time, you sent a girl in my room stripping in the wrong time and it almost got my eyes blind and I forced Kris to bring me the gallon of bleach to wash off my eyes for real. I'm going to give you another chance, what is it?"

"I know! I'm still sorry about it," Sehun laughed, "here! We all heard our "mom" decreased after giving birth to her son to protect him from us all, do you remember the story?"

My brain is progressing, "son? Yeah, I remember her and that was my favorite true story so far, wait... she died to protect her precious baby who belongs to another man that isn't Leviathan, correctly?" My eyes stayed sharp as I'm interested.

"Yes! I don't know if everyone knows but hyungs found him and I can reassure you that he is quite the perfect type for you, short, brown hair, a boxer smile, he has the cutest moles, and at the beginning, I thought he was a human but no, he isn't even he looks like he was sent from heaven, Hyung! Look!"

My eyes trailed down to the image of that boy, he reminded me of our dead leader, his mother who is now existing in purgatory as a soul. I wonder who is his father then. He surely looks... beautiful, my brain went blank, "what's his name?" I mesmerized his appearance and my gut sent me the strange feeling about this one.

"Byun Baekhyun, isn't he cute?" Sehun looked at me full of hope, "can we invite him? Please?!" He begged for the first time! What kind of person is Baekhyun that makes my little brother behave like this? I nodded without a second thought

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"Byun Baekhyun, isn't he cute?" Sehun looked at me full of hope, "can we invite him? Please?!" He begged for the first time! What kind of person is Baekhyun that makes my little brother behave like this? I nodded without a second thought.


I held a photo and another hand of mine rubbed my forehead, I wasn't surprised at all but then I laughed, my brothers, came with amused on their face, "Chanyeol, are you quite sure?" Tao asked.

I nodded, "absolutely! So, he's in the Earth - why don't we go now to find him?"

"Oh yeah, he's in Busan, South Korea and currently living under the same roof with a girl you really hate," Suho commented. Argh, Kim Taeyeon? Do I really have to face that bitch, yes... but I'm going to make us as kidnappers to abduct him instead. We are the strongest type than her, why not?

"Well... I can handle, we can go ahead and kidnap him then bring him here secretly, simple."

Everyone hummed then nodded, we all summoned our door to take us to Busan, South Korea. We all felt awkward but we were so relieved that we look like others — just humans, don't forget we can transform as the shapeshifters, we can possess others, and stuff.

We have the sensing ability, I secretly smirked, "that way. Follow me," with that, we left to somewhere else to make sure none would witness, we turned ourselves into slimy black goo and traveled to the lake and finally we went back to normal to get through the water to head to see Byun Baekhyun.

Before I blabbered, my name is Park Chanyeol, I have 11 crazy brothers who are the princes and they are literally pairing except me, I am the most powerful proud king - the ruler of Elite of Tortuous Serpents, I am currently looking for one to be a queen to give birth to have heirs. I supposed I found one, Byun Baekhyun, eh?

You will get to know me more sooner, I am mostly a ruthless genius king and everyone bows down or they die.

The instinct guided us to find Baekhyun, we came out from foundations where people drink water in public. We agreed to possess the strangers, no matter if they're children or adults, we made them kill innocent people; literally a few. Guess what? That works! It grabbed a beautiful Baekhyun's attention and he tried to save them.

His eyes widened when he saw those possessed bodies fainted after spitting the black slimes out from the mouth, we escaped and the slimy slime turned back to the human version of us! Baekhyun seems like he is sensing something about us, he attempted to escape. I signaled Kris to get Baekhyun - he is tall and quick enough to catch, Baekhyun was struggling.

"Let me go, you foolish!" He said.

Oh my devil, his voice! It's cute, I can see why I am interested in him. I am going to use him as my toy to keep me entertained.

"Tsk, well, well, well... shut up, you loud boy. You are coming with us, that's final! Boys! Knock him and bring him to my room, now!"

"Yes, your highness!" By then Baekhyun swooned, we all succeeded our first mission, I sent one of them to drag my toy to my king room and I dismissed him, I went inside and locked the door; waiting for Baekhyun to wake up as I licked my lips, "damn..." I mumbled while observing the details.

Baekhyun woke up, he groaned, "darn it... where am I?" He then shuts his mouth after seeing me staring directly into his soul, I greeted him.

"Hello, Byun Baekhyun,"

"YAH! YOU ASSHAT!" Baekhyun slapped me so hard that I never felt before, I am surprised! Honestly, his eyes glow light blue and he was going to kill me. I stopped him, I grabbed his wrists and pinned him on the bed very harshly, "quit it! You know be thankful that you're going to be alive, that's enough!" I opened my mouth to show the sharp teeth as the fangs, my V tongue went thin, and long then I closed it, allowing my mouth to go back to normal too.

Baekhyun laid there frozen, his blue-eyes faded and went back to regular color, "l-leave me alone, you ugly monster!"

Ouch! He strikes me twice in the same row. I love it!

"If I'm ugly, you obviously define yourself as least 10 of cutesy people on the list in general," I insulted him.

Baekhyun squinted his eyes while giving me the death stare, "sure, I'll take as the nicest compliment, send me back! I have to go back to meet my friends!" Wow, how bold. Not all victims act like this, all of them cried out for help, yuck.
But for him, he is fearless and I smell him like the strongest non-human like I know the fact, Metatron the angel, somewhat similar but this one is top one.

"I'll never send you back if you constantly don't listen to me," I hissed. Baekhyun shuttered, "good. Now, follow me." I let go of him and stood up, walking to the door.
Baekhyun looked like a kicked puppy, he stood up quietly, looking around before walking behind me.

"I will list the rules soon! Oh, by the way, my beautiful, welcome to Elite of Tortuous Serpents, I'm Park Chanyeol, king of this kingdom. I'm your future husband, Byun Baekhyun."

Interesting, ta-da!
See ya, Chelhyun

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