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No one's POV:

Baekhyun stood there ruthlessly as he seemed but inside him, he was feeling sorry because to him, they're good guys but having the species they couldn't handle much longer make Baekhyun willing to slap them.

Chanyeol after hearing his command in his ear made him feeling so excited, Kai and Sehun found it suspicious whenever they saw a miserable smirk written on Chanyeol's face. Baekhyun looked at them with an 'I'm sorry' stare and snapped to signal his fiancée to go ahead while he looked away to observe his dead loved ones, "might you Rest In Peace... I'm sorry..." he said sadly as he heard the roar and screech; the fight between three Leviathan brothers.

The leviathan guys stopped fighting and a female voice caught their attention, Baekhyun looked up and down like a bitch, "Ah, welcome back, witchy," the eyes rolled attitude Baekhyun, Taeyeon pouted, "how could you be so mean to me after I did everything for you?" Her eyes saddened slightly as her heart shattered.

"He did something to you that makes you change into someone we never raise you like that..." Taeyeon was disappointed but the very voice was a little bit irritated, "that's not you!"

"And that is not so you being manipulative bitch, I mean like... you made a deal with Daehyun and made my precious boys Kai and Sehun into someone I want to slap even they don't deserve that. Yes, love at first sight but they'll accept reality no matter how much they would take to give the best effort! Free them or else..."

"Oh else? Hah, look at you! You become a little bit soft for a devil-like that man, is he the reason you are acting like a fool?" She pointed at Chanyeol, Baekhyun knew Chanyeol is now part of his weakness, no response from a few weeks pregnant Baekhyun, and he gave a small smirk.

"Frankly, it might be worst for your useless heart to tolerate my words. I loved you as my older sister even I knew that you would love me in another way because we grow together with no relatable blood from the same family, I know that someday I'll find one that I'll attach in no time. I'm not soft, I'm bolder than what you see." Baekhyun sighed and manipulated her with his charming stare to make her feel dizzy. She fell into his arms, a king gave the stiffly stare as he didn't like it at all, and saw two boys went back to normal with full of confusion.

"W-what happened?!" Kai asked as his old self is back. Sehun rubbed his head, "it hurts..." he groaned.
Chanyeol crossed his arms, "seems like she's controlling her demons in you two, right love?" He huffed.

Baekhyun was holding a witch, "yeah but still, we need the cure for you two meanwhile we will not kill her until we gather the information we need to know. One thing..." Baekhyun threw Taeyeon out through a glass window as if he was in Olympic. The portal opened by itself which made the vacuum sensation that absorbs the things and it absorbed her then it disappeared after it was swallowed.

Baekhyun ran to two guys, "Kai and Sehun, are you okay?" He touched their cheek to check-in, Chanyeol rolled his eyes as he watched his fiancée doing that. What about him? Well, he would get it lucky, I'll say better than that. Kai blushed and smiled weakly, "I'm f-fine." He kissed Baekhyun's palm softly and noticed the corpse bodies, his guilt gained.
Sehun answered the same and touched Baekhyun's hand and spotted the lifeless body right there, he whispered, "I'm so sorry... we did it, didn't we?"

"You both did, it's not your fault... you both couldn't control that you never experienced nor have any knowledge to do it... but you both made a huge mistake I've ever witnessed and same go to your Hyung," Baekhyun moved his hands away and walked to link his hands-on Chanyeol's arms.

"Don't be guilty about the deeds you couldn't handle and my loss for them but keep the note that it's your sins that will be written forever... once you both are recovered, I'll expect you not to make the same miserable mistakes and go back to be with your lover who was the ones who love you more than I do..."

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