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Baekhyun was walking to the room but someone ahead, "stop!" Baekhyun turned to the sound.

Kris stared at him, "answer me, who are you, and don't forget that you are going to have the first dinner with us at 5 PM."

"First, since I came, almost everyone recognized me, I am the infamous archangel or should I say "hybrid" huh? My name is Byun Freaking Baekhyun who just got kidnapped. Since I got this, I can feel mom's grief after hiding me away from everyone and die for me. Second, I won't forget, and can you at least just let me settle down and read?"

"About that, why are Sehun, Kai, and Chanyeol acting up which they never behave before?"

"I don't know, I know the fact that Chanyeol confessed that he likes me but those two, I dunno." Baekhyun held the knob, "I guess you need to ask them because they're your little brothers. Sounds stupid, right?"

Kris hummed, "I supposed, sort of giving me Twilight vibe but you have three and in the twilight, it shows only two. I bet they like you too even they're dating."

"Even is Chanyeol who might be dating someone else behind my back that he never fell in love with, right?"

Kris stood there froze, "how do you know?" Baekhyun entered to place the books in the luggage to hide.

"Don't ask me, listen..." Baekhyun gestured Kris to follow him to the throne room where everyone greeted and hanging, Kris wanted to grab the needles to stab his eyes because he realized that short angel was right, Kris remembered that Chanyeol was proud after kissing Baekhyun and now... the girl Baekhyun met at the bookstore showed up seducing Chanyeol.

Chanyeol just didn't do anything, just letting a girl who works in that store flirt and both made out, again, Chanyeol wants to keep himself entertained.

By then Chanyeol went back to reality as well, he was too late.

All brothers dislike her and gave the disgusting expression, they all looked at Baekhyun with a serious stare saying they need help. Kris gave a 'you're dead' stare.

Baekhyun's pride sank, the girl as a cashier stopped and gasped and Chanyeol was quite calm and emotionless.
"So... you two are dating, huh?" Baekhyun scoffed, "I'm not surprised that you're his girlfriend, Dara... wow just wow..."
"That's nor what you're thinking!" Chanyeol yelled.

The girl felt guilty, "B-Baek!"

"The agreement of the marriage between us is OVER! Even it's the first day of living here and y'all make the worst craps in my life!" Baekhyun held back the tears and vanished through the air to grab the belongings and a cloak that Kai gave it to him, all luggage was gone, boys ran to find Baekhyun all over the castle, Chanyeol felt guilty for the first time and he attempted to kill Dara, his ex-girlfriend in a monstrous way.

Chanyeol got up and ran after them hoping for good news.

"Did you guys find him?!"

"Nope, guess he's gone... nice job! He's awesome and I like him as a family and you pushed your opportunities away. Sorry to say but you deserve to have your dick chopped off." Kyungsoo sighed.

Sehun found a small item, it's Baekhyun's wings feather! It felt so quiet without the intriguing energy in the kingdom, Chanyeol cursed himself.

"He got everything! He disappeared without exiting the doors! We have to find him! We all know it's dangerous out there!" Chanyeol commanded.

Everyone became very grumpy towards him, Sehun and Kai finally got the advantage since Chanyeol hurts Baekhyun twice and left to search harder.

Chanyeol frowned and went out too to find his Baekhyun.
The weather changed, the temperature dropped down, and Baekhyun was alone with belongings; shivering and his nose turned so red. He kept walking and sat on the bench as he felt so numb from coldness, his body isn't used to it. The young man stopped and gave a plastic cup of warm blood like a coffee, "you look cold, are you new here?"

My Heathen King (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now