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Baekhyun's POV

I looked up - I can tell my smirk curled; my eyes went somewhat red like my parents. Whoa! What kind of feelings are these? Pride?

I ran ahead, I heard the holler, "NO! BAEKHYUN!" Chanyeol ran and pulled me back as we both went to the castle, I grumbled, "we aren't waste time in here! Lemme handle."

"Leviathan is hard to get killed and you are taking risk?!"

"Hello, I'm immortal too! Ugh! I wonder if everyone already knows..." I heard more holler from EXO members to prepare the soldiers, I hitched my breath, I chanted in the Latin language to summon my highest rank demon soldiers - the wind howled and I heard the whisper in my head.

'Oh, the apocalypse already started? I knew it! Our soldiers are outside in entrance door. I'm coming in an hour.'

Sehun, Kai, and Chanyeol ran after me and I immediately opened the door and saw my marvelous guardsmen and ladies. I smirked, "you know what to do, don't put me down or else. Gather their souls and is Death with us?"

"Boss, we have ton of death spirits awaiting in that area. We need you to come with us."

"Very well, let's go before this kingdom gets explode!" I shouted and ran to them, I sensed three guys were following me, I realized other members and guards are occupied - we all arrived, the view almost popped my eyes out from my skull sockets, the flesh and blood were almost everywhere and that makes the view look less pretty like junkyard. I can sense my other side reminds me to be cautious.


Without hesitation, I didn't look as I can feel by my super-sense ability and pulled out the machete and swung like a Star Wars character. The head fell down; the black goo splashed on me and my face, I tasted it and it tasted strange. I looked at three boys as their surprise were there on their face. "Stop staring and start moving!" I told them.

They obeyed and went back to their sense again and all of us were working hard to survive, the darkest mind came from nowhere and I reactivated my mother's powers; red eyes glow a bit brighter; the clouds are now clogged so dark as the water was dripping to wash off the "blood" off while the corpses were lying. So many hours; almost 4 days without stopping the fight; I didn't eat nor sleep nor drink because I was impatient even I was craving a lot. I'm doing what I learned from Hell.

Almost all of the greatest foes are now begging for the retreat because my armies are way too strong for their taste, I found my ex there and smirked; I disappeared without a warning; someone screamed at Daehyun, "KING! BEHIND YOU!"
That was when I reappeared and approaching with super speed and snapped at whosever yelled to save him to splash into pieces like crumb bread.

"End it now and give up..."

"Bitch! You a slut, I am not gonna lose!" He laughed at me, how disrespectful! "Who the fuck are you?! Chanyeol's slave! A slave! You are MINE! Mine! You belong to no one but me!" Why does it sound so much like... Chanyeol?

I grabbed the throat and squeeze it, "do-do it!" He laughed at me like lunatics. I frowned then smirked, "ok then, good luck to face my father, goodbye!" I mumbled the strangest language and the portal opened, I choked him a little more, "wait until your game with a clingy bitch end and you'll regret, child." I let the wicked laughter out from my mouth and letting my wings spread for him to see one last time, every0ne looks at me and gasped, I bit Daehyun's neck like an aggressive dog to make him scream in pain. I released and pushed him out through the portal; I hissed, "leave!"

None responds, "LEAVE! NOW!!!" with that those who killed some villagers of "mine" aka Daehyun's soldiers flinched - they all ran away out of our sight. I watched the portal swooshed into an air; I spit the flavor out from my mouth and stammered as I went back to normal then looked at everyone who was looking at me.

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