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Baekhyun's POV:

I looked at Chanyeol who struggled to speak even he hates Taeyong so much.




"You are... ugh... you are forgiven." He said it for me, I smiled softly and pecked his cheek but what he told me to make me... so insecure, I drank my iced tea with bloody fruit flavor - Taeyong looked at me apologetically as he gave me 'I lied because I want you...'

I ignored him and let the voice soothing me:

'It's alright, he lied and you are fine... forget it and I am with you.'

I nodded, everyone looks at me, I look at them in return, "what?"

"Why did you nod?" Taemin asked. I blinked, "oh... I am just listening to the voice that is telling me that everything will be okay." I smiled as long as I mentally asked, 'Leviathan, is that you, or am I speaking to my mother?'

'Leviathan but I also invite her to speak with you and stimulate you with her power to strengthen up along with mine even I sometimes would be possessed to keep you safe as we did at the hospital.'

I choke and cough, " I am sorry... A what?" I asked and everyone tried to help me but my Chanyeol helped me to stop the cough, "what happened?"

I walk off as I can talk freely, "Are you serious, Leviathan? I mean... I start to control my power better because of my mother?" I sit on the floor against the wall. The chuckle gave me the yes answer, 'indeed. We both are working together to help you out. I am not a bad spirit dragon compared to others, be thankful.'

"R-Right, can I speak with my mom, Luna?" I pull out the mother's journal to take a look to pick up more information until I found the cure information, Leviathan said that to me first I have to pick up the knowledge and stuff like that before I hear my "dead" mother that I never met her. Chanyeol joined me and looked at the book with me, "Leviathan?" Chanyeol asked.

A female voice spoke before it goes offline:

'You will... now focus on your journey with my most idiot son-in-law, I'm so proud of you, my baby!'

I looked at Chanyeol with hope, he puzzled blinking his eyes, and his eyes suddenly glow red as his shoulders relaxed, "you... you crossed the line and now you can hear her too. How?"

I shrugged as I heard my hellhounds barking so loud from a few miles away giving the signal that they're getting closer, "RUN!" I shouted. Everyone suddenly came out, "what? What happened?!"

"RUN! JUST FUCKING RUN, RUN, BEFORE THEY GET US!" my instinct told me to flee, my power alone wouldn't help, I run to the doors, the wind blew at us once we stepped out, Chanyeol and the rest finally can hear my pets from far. I gestured everyone to follow me as our black veins popped on our skin, the eyes glow, I can see the visual color change, and I could see my veins glow again to proceed with the power that my mother gives it to me.

The devil spoke in my head:

'How is thing going, my son?'

'Are you freaking kidding me, dad?! I'm in the middle of fucking business and they are coming!' I spoke in my head. The endless road to the strangest place of the forest, dull color, and barely leaves on the trees and dried blood on the ground. my father just chuckled, 'have fun, son~ you'll do good or I am going to laugh at you for failing." He spoke. I rolled my eyes. 'Shut up and leave me alone then you can pester on me when I'm done.' I blocked the channel.

Taemin asked, "now what?"

"I know this place... this is where the flowers which cure someone like Kai" Taeyong spoke. Chanyeol clicked his tongue, "I was about to say this too, thanks for stealing my line, dumbass." He crossed his arms. I patted his shoulder, "it's okay..." I look around and let them lead us and for some reason, the weak monsters get in our way, I just snapped my fingers to turn them into ashes without a second thought because I was extremely scared and self-defense made me do this. The members look at me, "don't look at me! Shoo!" I shooed them and continued.

The boys keep questioning me about the life on the earth while they are leading me on. I spotted the figure, the familiar figures...
'Don't talk to those two, they are an imposter and kill~ warn them.' Leviathan said. I told them what I heard before the familiar figures ran to us - they look like Sehun and Kai, the shapeshifter, I am very certain because I heard it from the native people and different people from other states/countries due to their cultural beliefs who spoke bout skin-Walker and other creatures like these. Those boys got in front of me, they were blocking my views, "are you kidding me?"

"Babe, it's our good to protect our first mother's son aka the love of my life for sure." He spoke. I blushed slightly~ I was concerned, more monsters were coming in our way, and we are outnumbered...

We did what we could and in front of my eyes~ I saw... the real Sehun and Kai standing with a demonic leviathan smile~



What happened to other brothers?!

The explosion boomed out of nowhere~ it is a sign~
The screech... the roar... and the scream echoed through the air~ I looked around and ran to my team, "boys! We need to go back!" I then looked at the same spot where Sehun and Kai were while the imposters and the "soldiers" laid on the ground, torn and the gore such as the flesh such as the missing eyes, the headless, missing body part, the black slimy blood leaked, etc. I felt in need to throw up.

I'm not fully used to it~ I checked on the boys who were successfully done with all that they had left. The kings and the rest bragged to show off how impressive they did with their effort. That made me chuckle but... I saw a few corpses with some missing body parts started to roll/crawling to connect as if the body is a magnet.

I snapped to make these who deserve to die smeared - just more blood. They looked at me, "you're carrying the Devil's powers..."

My eyes rested at where Sehun and Kai were - they disappeared, "Damn it! How did they get here?!" I questioned myself aloud for them to hear me.

"They who?" Lucas asked.

"Sehun and Kai! They were there! There were there!" I pointed. Suddenly after I pointed - we all heard my hellhounds barking so loud to tell me that they're coming to protect me.

Finally, they did arrive, "my babies!" I hugged my huge pets~

"That cutie is a mini devil..." Mark confessed. He stammered while Chanyeol and Taeyong smacked Mark's head, "shut up!" Both said.

The hellhounds whine softly~
"You saw them too, did you...?" My pets growling aggressively and nodded before pointing their muzzle to where they witnessed it while I was in the middle of something.

"Saw Sehun and Kai...?" Taemin asked.
I frowned, they didn't believe in me... am I crazy???

'You aren't crazy, child~ you've seen it as they and I saw it.' The voice whispered.

Chanyeol walked to me, "you sure you've seen them? The real them?"
I nodded quickly~ He frowned next.

"If they were here..." he mumbled and I added to the last part to complete:

"Then what happens to other brothers?"

Thank you for waiting for this book to update the next chapter~ this book is going to end soon :( maybe 5-7 chapters left to go~ depending on how it turns out! I appreciate your support and please keep supporting my other books and keep looking forward to reading more potential books that I will bring up to share!



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