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No one's POV:

Baekhyun was going to have an anxiety attack, he clung to Sehun. Sehun was confused but noticing his breathing was getting unstable.

"Baek?" Sehun held him so close, Baekhyun calmed down, "I'm okay, don't worry." He whispered.
Sehun seemed very concerned, he kissed his forehead, he went to check his phone and it has been the hours already.

"Time flies... wow, Baekhyun can you walk, or should I carry you and take you back to our palace?"

"I-I can walk." Baekhyun was shaking inside, he felt incredibly weird, Sehun sighed, "I better carry you, your face is getting pale. Calm down and I'll find the right medicine for you, Lay can help." He made Baekhyun take them back to the palace, he placed Baekhyun on the couch.

Everyone came back to greet, Sehun told Lay, "go get the medicine for Baekhyun, he is shaking and his breathing is unstable, look how pale he is."

Lay nodded, "Baekhyun? Do you feel nauseous? Dizzy?"


"Oh crap! He is going to have an anxiety attack!" Lay checked his pulse, he felt the heartbeat beating faster. He ran to his office to find medicine.

Suho calmed Baekhyun down, Baekhyun clung into Suho already and whimpered. His body has developed the shake, he closed his eyes tightly, "Chanyeol!!" Suho yelled.

Chanyeol immediately ran to them, "what happened?!"

"He is going through an anxiety attack, I think you can calm him down better," Suho spoke with full of concerns.

Chanyeol noticed he was getting worse, he sat down and offered, "can I?"

Baekhyun nodded quickly and suddenly clung into Chanyeol's arms and buried his face against his chest. He started to calm down, Lay came back and had the medicine ready, he helped Baekhyun to swallow to calm down that would drag Baekhyun to sleep.

"Take a deep breath, I'm not going somewhere," Chanyeol whispered and stroked his back up and down. Baekhyun felt safe and relaxing, he nodded stiffly. He didn't respond with his voice. He felt drowsy.

Everyone noticed how close they are and Baekhyun suddenly calmed down.

"I love you... I'll never leave you again nor let you go." Chanyeol whispered. It soothes the Angel, Baekhyun's eyes lightened and fell asleep; the shakiness stopped and the breathing is back to normal. He smiled contently, the king kissed his forehead then gently picked the chin and kissed his lips softly then smiled. He lifted Baekhyun and carried in bridal style.

Sehun knew he isn't going to win and Kai knew it too. Everyone awed, "I knew Chanyeol was lying as he really loves him." Kris confirmed. Others nodded in agreement.

Chanyeol entered his room and laid Baekhyun on their bed. He took their shoes off and laid next to him, he held Baekhyun so close.

Chanyeol felt fulfill again, he fell asleep in peace better than last night, 30 minutes later, Baekhyun made the small noise and opened his eyes, their face was close.

Baekhyun's heart kept pumping crazy, he mesmerized his appearance, he badly wanted to kiss Chanyeol's lips but he refused. He attempted to sit up but he found the arm holding the waist tightly. Chanyeol woke up, his voice was very deep when he's half-awake.

"Hello, love..."

Baekhyun gulped and felt drugged, "hey..."

Chanyeol blushed and nuzzled his nose, "how do you feel?"

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