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"Eh? That sounds serious," Baekhyun opened the first page and looked up at jealousy king, "calm down, Chan—"

"Don't tell me to calm down! Don't act like a bitch if you allowed Sehun to kiss you like that!"

"Bitch? Hell, I'm too naive than you think even I act like a stubborn brat! Chanyeol, don't be such a big idiot for jumping in conclusions! I thought a king was smart enough but I realized... I was wrong. Ugh! I'm your toy, why do you care?! I mean to be a toy to everyone in this castle!"

Chanyeol could see the offensive expression in Baekhyun's eyes, they argued like a couple, "you use those as excuses! I know you like him!"

"I don't have a feeling toward him! You forfeited me and now you forbade me to fall in love with someone else! Wow... just wow, thanks for making me look like a real bitch from a stripper club."

"Pfft, I don't believe in you," Chanyeol was mad and when he gets angry, he tends to act like that, Baekhyun lost a control, stood up, and he slapped Chanyeol's cheek again.
"THAT IS WHAT YOU GOT! THIS IS PROOF THAT I DON'T HAVE A INTEREST IN EVERYONE! You know why?! Because my heart is telling me to watch out and two, I lied that I like someone else down on the earth because I'm crushing on someone who has a fudging worst heart! J-Just... leave me alone."

Baekhyun took two books and he felt his heart is going to crack open as a heart is breaking and his chest tightened because he was holding the tears but he sniffed, he noticed the red handprint on tall guy's cheek, he looked away and walked off again. He went to the quiet room as he quietly sobbed, he went through a lot down in the earth and now this.

He wiped his tears and looked at the mirror, "I'm a bitch... am I?" He let's go of the wings that popping out from his back to be visible, he sat on the bed and covered his face crying after leaving the books aside.

Someone knocked on the door, "hello?"

Baekhyun didn't answer, he laid down quite depressed, he doesn't have depression but in general, he felt dead inside and very emotional as you can see he's an easygoing person too. Kai opened the door and saw an angel there looking so sweet and innocent when he is like that.

"Hyung...?" Kai sat down on the bed and rubbed Baekhyun's back in the middle because his wings were visible on the right and left side, "are you okay?"

"G-go away!"

"Hey, hey, hey, no, I won't leave a pretty angel ruining herse- I mean himself alone in here. I'm pretty sure you'll starve if we don't care about you." Kai whispered. Baekhyun wiped his tears again even his eyeliner melted from the tears, Kai gave him the tissue papers and patted; cleaned his face gently.

Baekhyun looked at the tanned-skin boy, "t-thanks... a-am I a toy to you?"

"No! You're more than just an entertainer, Hyung! We already love you and some of my brothers are shy to talk to you, you're a very outgoing person I know."

Baekhyun smiled softly, "I guess... I hate Chanyeol... I hate my heart so much for liking a bastard like him... what am I gonna do?" He frowned, Kai, moved his head on his lap, he stroked Baekhyun's silky hair, "I don't know... he's quite selfish but he has a heart to care too."

He leaned in to kiss his forehead, "even I'm not gonna forgive you for kicking my mini buddy here," he joked.
Baekhyun then laughed heartily, "and Kyungsoo approved, you don't need to forgive me but I can do anything to make you accept my apologies."


"Depending because you're taken," Baekhyun shrugged, he purred.

Kai smirked, "Then let's stick together, I'm interested in you too, not only Sehun and I'm competing him, I wanna get to know you."

My Heathen King (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now