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Baekhyun's POV:

I blinked my eyes three times, "father...? Is that you?"

The chuckle in my head playing and it gave me some dark vibe.

"Ingenious, you've recognized my name and you know it, I'm so proud of you."

Taeyong looked at me very concerned, I looked at the book, "duh, you're mentioned in the bible and I have learned something from church when I was young. Why proud of me?"

"Because you are very smart, you don't act like an ignorant innocent child as I expected you to behave. Here is your reward. Come out from your room, I'm walking the hall to knock knock."

I jumped out the bed and opened the door, I looked left and right. I feel the strongest aura in another direction. The man stood against the wall and smirked, "you found me."

"Lo-" Taeyong muted his voice box after seeing my father, Taeyong bowed, "I'll leave you two alone." He walked off.

The scream in shock a few rooms across as he was telling others that my father actually showed up for me. I walked to him, I was uncertain, he offered his hand out, I gently touched it and the connection between us reactivated.

Our eyes shine a little bit light red, he smirked, "do you believe in me now?"

I nodded, "yes... you came... from hell to see me?"

He looked at my hand and smiled, "I've been waiting for a long time. Hello son, this is the nicest greeting I ever received. Now, shall we walk out to discuss perhaps?"

I looked into his eyes, "of course! C-come with me, I know the garden to chill. What is the topic we are going to discuss? About my mom?"

"Uh no, incorrect, the apocalypse you are going to face in... when is it again?"

"Two weeks... I thought you're smarter than that." I scoffed and both went out to the quiet garden, he scoffed as well, "I'm being sarcastic, and I'm a million times smarter than you think."

I chuckled, "no wonder I got it from you. What is it now?" I looked up the sky.

"The deal, it is a quite dramatic scene, I don't think I need a tissue to blow my nose because I've no tears to shed. Tsk, I will appreciate it if you continue the war."


"And I can shut down the deal between Kai and Daehyun." With that, I immediately looked at him, "you will?!"

"Yes only if you accept to let me take care of you for a while before the first apocalypse to you start. It will be hellish tests but if you passed, you'll have my fine strong soldiers to help you out in the battle." He smirked and looked at me. "So I have to pass several tests before two weeks?"

"Yes, you only have a week to study and practice, and one week before challenge yourself. I know you'll succeed, I want you to see your logic and your comprehension of how to use and you'll understand why I want to have a child is you."

Both of us have a serious conversation. I accepted what he suggested to me to do - we both went back and both of us said goodbye and have me ready to work tomorrow. He disappeared and I ran to NCT and WAYV members - I told them what my dad and I spoke. They were surprised and will support me too.

We spent all day together even I missed my Chanyeol already. In the next day, I got up around 3 AM to start training with my dad away from the palace, I wasn't used to it.

I learned how to control the powers and new techniques, my mentors were very strict but my father told them to be a little bit gentle with me because I'm his son and I'm pregnant.

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