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Chanyeol froze before turning around while protecting his lover, the monster is still unbelievable to Baekhyun, so tall; so huge, and the facial structure of a dragon and serpent in one body based on the biblical reality as Baekhyun knew what kind of a hellish creature was that.

He cited a quote:

"And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years," (Revelation 20:2)

Baekhyun was so amused, the dragon was amazed as well, it smiled creepily towards that angel, "you memorize a quote from a bible, do you?" The dragon pushed Chanyeol aside to approach Baekhyun, the black surrounding them started to make the eerie sound and the dragon looked at the pitch-black endless and lifeless environment, "maybe it'd help you to feel better if you see it." It blew the blue flame to lighten the dark place up which the black turned into the blue like color LED lights that looks like they were underwater.

"Now, let's see... do you know my name?"

"Leviathan... The Sea Serpent." Baekhyun answered.

"Exactly, these children as your Chanyeol... are considered as my children and your mother is 2nd mother of theirs take care of... while I am trapped in here and you, Byun Baekhyun are currently a newcomer who successfully managed the tests from the hell, the bold leader to make them feel inspired to win less than what WE expect from everyone, and you control your powers very well even you still need help.

Otherwise, I'll state the facts, the intelligence and the strength are very intriguing, you both have reached out to get in here because you both are called and are found that both of you were meant to be." The leviathan chuckled, "and hello, Chanyeol. I've been waiting to see you once you find your true love, the story was interesting to be told. Now... you two are here to serve me one simple thing."

Chanyeol didn't say anything but sneakily getting right next to Baekhyun and held Baekhyun's arm to show how protective he is, Baekhyun gestured to a talking dragon to keep saying.

"Bring Taeyeon's soul to me, every server had failed to get a chance to end her, you two are the answer to my prayer list - I want to torture her until I'm satisfied to eat her alive because of her deeds and her intentions have wrath in my nerves." Leviathan growled, "I'm on your side, allow to offer you the consensus - I will make sure to secure your kingdom and protect your unborn child but you must submit her to me once you get the happy ending, shall you agree?"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other, "please, give us the minutes to discuss before we make the decision." Baekhyun said. Leviathan snarled as all dragons do in response and nodded, "of course - you've 5 minutes."

Both walked a few steps away from the dragon and spoke, "should we accept its offer? I mean... it sounds like a good idea and it's what we need." Baekhyun sighed. Chanyeol exhaled, "didn't you hear her saying her servers tried but they failed. What if we fail too?"

"Hah? C'mon, you Heathen idiot! You're too powerful - I guess you might fail several times before but this, I'm sure you're good at that like you kidnapped me and yeeted me out from the earth to your universe. I can sense your aura, you're better than her fucking level. I'm her weakness and I'm stronger than her as well." Baekhyun crossed his arms.

Chanyeol huffed, "it means we have to go back to the lousy universe full of weirdness creatures and steal her too?"

"I guess! We can do it!" Baekhyun hopped as he had a good feeling about it, "let's accept the offer, we will fight together as long as we need a better team along with NCT."

Chanyeol smiled, "okay, Leviathan," he held the hand of Baekhyun and continued speaking, "we would like to approve your peace offer by cooperating with us. We know you were close to Lunar aka his mother, we shall put our trust in you and we will start working on Taeyeon's part too. But first, I must help my fiancée to gather what is needed to fix my little brothers before they do something to the unborn baby."

My Heathen King (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now