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Baekhyun's POV:

I shook my head, not knowing what to say:
My voice deepened, "that girl..." I whispered.

"That girl who??" Lucas asked.

"The one I shall trade for... save them and keep me and my baby safe and sacrifice a bitch to... Leviathan~" I rubbed my belly softly, "it's ok... mommy will protect you," I ran off by following the smell.

"WAIT! WAIT! BAEKHYUN!!" They hollered while chasing me, my eyes get kinda blurry as they switched to different vision once I stumbled into the dark forest which doesn't have the light, only a tiny light dims through the trees.

I looked around, "what happened? Why did my vision change?"

'You're in the dark forest where the lost souls often roam, your vision filter has switched to night vision. You're on the right track to find them. Keep going~' the voice spoke in my head.

"Oh... god, I'm feeling weird like I need to... throw up," I then threw up, "is it because you're in me, or is that a symptom of pregnancy?"

'Pregnancy... especially you're not a female...'

The vision is so bright green to lighten up the dark details like a snake, the boys stumbled and they were panting so crazy, "Jesus! You scared us! We thought you got kidnapped!" Chanyeol shouted and hugged me.

I blushed, "sorry, they went through here..." I hugged back and greeted the boys before signaled them to follow me. "Kai and Sehun! You can't hide from me, come out wherever you are!" I sang.

Taemin, Lucas, Mark, and Ten stuck together like glue, "ah! Stop act like chicken~" Chanyeol said. Taeyong comforted them, "they are like children, you aren't gonna tell them to stop as long as they're being themselves~"

"Yeah and then they call more monsters because of the fears, hello!"

"We will take care,"

"How about y'all shut the fuck up?" I groaned.
"Yes, Baekhyunee," both said, I rolled my eyes, and walk away. They followed me until we heard the creak that gives me the horror movie vibe~

"Congratulations, you found us~" Kai giggled, "that's not you..." I said as I set the position, ready to attack~

"You guys are outnumbered, darling~ give yourself to me and we will solve," Kai giggled as he slowly pulling out the knife~

"You won't kill me nor my baby~" I hiss, due to my anger imagining if that would happen~ Chanyeol protects me so did other boys, "we won't let our Baekhyun get hurt~ give yourselves up!" Taeyong said.

"How about a no?" Sehun asked as he turned into a monster version of himself with a demonic look~ I felt my heart sinking nervously~ "you will regret this, little brothers..." Chanyeol said.

"MOVE!" I shouted - we all split and circle toward each other's back~ the monsters screeched so loudly and all of us keep fighting unstoppable. The black blood overwhelmed me with bone crack, chomp, scream in pain, and creepy laughter~ I keep hearing the body keep dropping lifeless as long as we all are covered in blood~ I am also in pain while dodging the knives and claws every single time — I noticed more army is coming up - My eyes glow, the veins dim golden like the lava, and I approached to protect my boys by snapping to crack and crash them into ash.

Kai and Sehun were about to run away, my Chanyeol ran to grab them and knocked them out as he dragged them to us~

"Allow me to help," Lucas said as he pulled Sehun~
I panted heavily along with them, "are you guys hurt??"

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