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It was after Megan got off her lunch break that she got called into Captain McGintley's office and she sees an FBI agent in there instead of the captain. The FBI agent says that she has to go undercover for them as she is the best detective that the NYPD has, and they explain why Megan has to go undercover. They explain that they have someone that they can't manage to catch so they want her to get into their inner circle and find out their plans and then arrest them. The FBI agent gives her the rest of the day to pack up and to say her goodbyes.

She spends the rest of the finishing up her cases and then she gathers her friends in the briefing room before they get off duty. Everyone sits down and then Terry asks: "Why did you want us in here?"

"Um...I got news from the FBI after I got off my lunch break telling me that I have to go undercover for a while. I don't know how long it will take but I am not allowed to get into contact with anyone while I am undercover. Today was my last day here. I am going to miss you all." They all come up to me one by one and they hug me. And once I hugged everyone, we had a group hug and then I started crying while I walked out of the precinct.

---Two years later---

It has been two years since I have seen my actual friends and since I have started being undercover. I think about them every night and I want to see them again. I have managed to get into the inner circle within the two years and they have told me the plans on what they are going to do.

I called the FBI that night to tell them that they need to storm the place where I am the next day. I tell them the plans and where I am, and they agree that they are going to storm the place. I am excited to get back to work at the 99 and hope that nothing has changed. I then hang up and then think about my friends and that I will be able to see them in a few days or weeks.

The next day, the FBI come in and storms the place and manages to arrest every single one of the people there and I then realise that I am free to go home.

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