1x17 - Full Boyle

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Megan's POV:

I was sat at my desk with Jake opposite me and Rosa and Amy were leaning on our desks. "Man, Charles has been so happy and confident ever since he hooked up with that professor at the Captain's party," Jake said. "She has tenure, and also has ten years, times two, older than him."

"That sucked," Rosa said.

"It's nice to see him like this," Amy said.

Terry agreed by saying "He's so confident. This morning, he finally corrected the barista when she called him 'Charlize'. He's been living as 'Charlize Broil' for five years."

"It's great. It's all so great. He could take it down, just a smidge," I said while remembering what he did this morning. "I can handle the singing. I'm just so happy for that guy. It's about time he caught a break."

"The sexy train is leaving the station," Charles said while grabbing his jacket and walking towards the lift. "Check out this caboose. Later, sluts."

"Just let him have it," Jake said. "Great job, Boyle."

I was sat in the daily briefing with everyone else but I wasn't paying attention to anything around me as I was trying to piece together all of the clues that I have given from my case

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I was sat in the daily briefing with everyone else but I wasn't paying attention to anything around me as I was trying to piece together all of the clues that I have given from my case. At the moment all of the clues seem like just a pile of red herrings but I don't think that they are. I didn't want them to be as I wanted to prove to Captain Holt that I could take on such a big case that even another precinct couldn't solve. This case has been sat in the not solved pile for a couple of months now so that is why they sent it over to the 99 for Captain Holt to give out. I heard snippets of what was being said but I didn't fully hear what was being said.

Just then, I realised something about the case. I could remember all of the details about the clue and I while I was piecing them together. I realised that all of the clues lead me to where they were hiding. I couldn't believe that I didn't figure it out before. I knew that I had to get to them before they leave and go somewhere else so I quickly got out of my seat and made a run for it to my desk. I knew that I had to be quick so I gathered the essential items that I would need (my phone, trench coat, cuffs, badge and gun) and I then ran out of the bullpen. I couldn't be bothered with the lift as it would have taken too long so I decided to take the stairs. As I was running down the stairs, I put on my trench coat and when I got to the last set of stairs I decided to jump over the railings and I managed to land it so I then ran outside to my car and then quickly drove off.

I knew I probably confused everyone but I didn't care. I knew where I had to drive to and when I got there I saw that there were cars there so I decided to check how many exits there were and I also looked for windows. I saw around 6 different exits but I didn't see any windows so I blocked all of them except 1 and when I entered the building, I was as quiet as a mouse and I didn't even make a sound. I had a handful of cuffs on me so that I could cuff most of them up. I managed to sneak behind one of them and luckily no one noticed anything so I grabbed my knife from the side of my boots and I then covered the guy's mouth with my hand and I then put the knife to his throat and whispered to him "If you make a noise, I will slit your throat. If you come with me without any resistance then you can get a shorter sentence. Deal?" He then nodded his head and I then slowly started moving him back to the exit. I managed to get him outside and into the back of my car without him or me making a sound.

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