1x22 - Charges and Specs

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Megan's POV:

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Megan's POV:

I had just sat down at my desk before Jake walked in and said "All right, listen up. What you're about to see is highly disturbing, but please, no comments. This man is in pain, so above else, be kind." Jake then put his stuff down on his desk just as Boyle got out of the elevator and walked into the bullpen.

"Good morning, Boyle," Sarge said.

Charles then stopped in the middle of the bullpen and said "Let's just get it out there. Vivian broke up with me last night. The wedding's off, and this is what I'm like now. Life is a pit."

"Excuse me?" Gina asked. "I don't understand. Did you already have a Matrix get-up at home for some reason?"

"No, Gina," Boyle said. "I bought this with the money I was going to spend on our honeymoon to Cape Canaveral."

"I'm so sorry, buddy," Jake said as I cringed at Boyle's outfit again. I was only cringing because this outfit did not suit him.

"Don't be, I'm settling into the darkness nicely," Charles said. He then took off his glasses and pointed them to Rosa. "I definitely get you now."

Charles then sat down and Sarge said "What you got there, Boyle?"

"Eggs in a bag," Charles said. "Nothing brings me joy anymore, not even food. Now, I only eat for sustenance." He then opened them up and took a bit out of one.

"Smart. Save that for later," Jake said after Charles put the egg he was eating inside his jacket. I was nodding along with everyone else as I didn't want to say anything that would hurt Charles' feelings.

"Peralta?" Holt asked, standing in his office doorway. "My office, now."

I looked at Jake with confusion written across my face I didn't know what he had done as he has been on cases with me for the past few weeks. Jake then walked to Holt's office and the last thing we heard him say was "Sir?"

Jake's POV:

"Sir?" I asked. "Ah, Commissioner Podolski. It's been a while."

"Maybe because you haven't put any of my children in handcuffs recently," Commissioner Podolski said.

"Yay, enemies for life," I said sarcastically.

"Peralta, have you been investigating Lucas Wint?" Holt asked.

"Uh, yeah, I have. I've been doing it when I'm not on cases with Martinez," I said. "I think he's laundering money for drug dealers."

"Don't be an idiot. Lucas Wint is a civic leader. He runs a major charity, his community centre is the lifeblood of that neighbourhood, and he officially claims you have been harassing him," Podolski said. He then shows me the paperwork.

I grab the paperwork before saying "What? That's insane. I've been trying to talk to him, and he keeps avoiding me like a guilty person, so I approached him at his weekly basketball game." I then read the paperwork before saying "Seemed like an obvious goal-tend, but that's beside the point."

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