1x08 - Old School

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Megan wasn't at work the day before because she had an appointment that she has to go to but it took all day so she missed the small mission they had where they tried to get Scully's shoes

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Megan wasn't at work the day before because she had an appointment that she has to go to but it took all day so she missed the small mission they had where they tried to get Scully's shoes. Megan walked into the precinct before Amy but she saw Jake there already. She shook that off and sat down at her desk. She handed Jake his coffee and then drank hers while she was looking through the cases that she didn't finish two days ago.

Around 10 minutes later, Amy, Charles and Rosa walked into the bullpen and then Amy said "Whoa! Why are you here before me? Am I asleep? Is this a dream?"

"I am early because Jimmy Brogan is here today." Jake points to Captain Holt's office where he is talking to Jimmy.

"Why do you care so much about some old reporter?" Rosa asked.

"Some old reporter? Is the sky just some big blue hat that the world wears?" Jake asked.

"No. And no one has ever thought that" Rosa said.

"My point exactly. Jimmy Brogan wrote The Squad about badass New Your cops in the 70s. It's the best book I've ever read, and I've read 15 books," Jake said.

"50 books is not a lot. Wait...You said 15?" Amy asked from her desk.

Jake then turns back around to Rosa and said "The Squad is what made me decide to become a Detective. And it was my first book report. Fun side note...I later lost my virginity to Mrs Stratton's daughter. It was...very fast."

"Nice," Charles said to Jake. I looked up from my desk at Charles with a confused look on my face.


Jake and I were in Holt's office and we were just standing there while he introduced us. "Mr Brogan, these are detectives Martinez and Peralta."

"Mr Brogan, I am a huge fan of your book. Would you mind signing my copy?" Jake asked.

"I'd love to. It's always nice to meet a fan," Mr Brogan said while taking the book from Jake's hands.

"You can just make it out to "death wish." That's what everyone calls me, 'cause I'm always first through the door," Jake said.

"You go through doors normally, and everyone calls you pineapples," Megan said to Jake.

"My grandma calls me pineapples, and I regret telling you that," Jake tells me. "Those New York cops from the 70s you wrote about were my idols...I mean, Gaminsky, Cavanaugh, Quigg."

"Those guys were the real deal. I once saw Gaminsky choke a hippy to death with his own ponytail," Mr Brogan said.

"Illegal." "Love that." Jake and Megan said at the same time.

"Mr Brogan is writing an article about how Brooklyn detectives have changed in the 35 years since The Squad. He'll be observing the two of you on your Internet identity theft case. I hope Mr Brogan's presence doesn't prove to be a distraction to you, Peralta," Holt said.

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