1x01 - Pilot

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Megan's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since I have finished being undercover and I have just been at home relaxing and recovering from being undercover. Today is the day I get to go back to work at the 99 and I cleared it up with Captain McGintley and he said it was all right. I have been able to text Jake and all of my friends from the 99 again but they don't know that I am finished being undercover and when I am coming back. When I first texted them, I said that the FBI is letting me text them for a month before I have to give my phone back to them, but I am only allowed to text them at night. I stood by that and only texted them at night. I was also wondering if my desk was still opposite from Jake's.

3rd Person:

Jake Peralta was sat at his desk and he was looking at the desk in front of him. It belonged to his best friend Megan. No one has wanted to take that desk just in case she comes back, and the captain hasn't wanted to give it away to any new detectives as he hopes that she comes back. They are getting a new captain at the 99 so he will have to learn that no one gets that desk. Amy walks up to Jake and asks: "Have you heard anything about the new captain?"

Jake then says: "Uh, no and I don't care. I just wish Captain McGintley never left, he was the best."

Amy replies with "He was terrible. You just like him cause he let you do anything you wanted."

"Yeah! What's your point?" Jake asks.

"If I'm ever gonna make Captain, I need a good mentor. I need my rabbi." Amy says with her arms folded.

Jake heaved a sigh and said "Sorry dude, but this new guy's gonna be another washed-up pencil pusher who's only concern is following every rule in the patrol guide. Meep morp zeep. Robot captain engage."

Amy's eyes widen as the new Captain stood behind Jake and watched the interesting conversation. The captain then said, "Is that what you think?" Jake then stood up, obviously startled as the rest of the detectives watched the interesting conversation. "He-hey!" Jake said with false excitement, turning to face the new captain. "New captain alert," said as he laughed. "You must be the new C.O. I'm Detective Jake Peralta. Great to meet you."

"Now, don't let me interrupt. You were describing what type of person I was going to be. I'd like you to finish." The new captain said, completely serious.

"That's not necessary, I could recap very quickly, sure. Um, let's see. I think I said some joke about being a washed-up pencil pusher." Jake said.

"Now do the robot voice." Jake looked horrified as do most people in the bullpen, apart from Santiago, who's arms were still folded smugly. "The robot voice you were doing when you implied, I'm a rule-following robot. I want to hear it again."

Jake awkwardly does his robot impression. "Meep, morp...Zarp. Robot." His voice trails off as the captain said, "That is a terrible robot voice."

Jake agreed and said "Yep."

"Next time I see you, I'd like you to be wearing a necktie." The captain walked off towards Gina and his office.

"Oh, actually the last captain didn't care if we wore ties," Jake said

"Well, your new captain does. And more importantly, he cares if you follow direct orders. Everyone, I'm your new commanding officer, Captain Ray Holt."

"Speech!" Santiago says from next to Jake.

"That was my speech," Holt said.

"Short and sweet," Santiago said.

"Sergeant Jeffords. A word," Holt said while entering his office.

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