1x13 - The Bet

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Megan's POV:

"Megan, this is exciting. Medal of valour," Jake said.

"I know," I said. The rest of the squad including Holt and Gina were waiting for me to get my medal of valour.

"For getting shot in the chest," Jake said smiling.

"For exceptional acts of heroism or voluntary risk of personal safety," I corrected. "But, you know, six for one."

"This is one of the NYPD's highest honours. Today is your day, Detective Martinez," said Holt.

A little bit later Gerber was speaking on the stage and I was waiting to come out. "Heroism can't be measured by a piece of metal. But what else can we do to recognize the brave officers that have put their lives on the line? It is my great honour to present the medal of valour to Detective Megan Martinez." I then walked out and everyone started applauding. "And Sergeant Peanut Butter." Everyone was clapping as loud for me as the horse that was being led onto the stage.

I was sat at my desk in the bullpen when Jake and Amy walked up to each other, next to my desk

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I was sat at my desk in the bullpen when Jake and Amy walked up to each other, next to my desk. "Peralta," Amy said.

"Santiago. The bet ends today. Are you ready?" Jake asked.

"I was born ready," Amy said confidently.

"To lose? The whole question was, 'Are you ready to lose?', and you said you said you were born that way," Jake said causing me to laugh. Jake heard me and then turned to look at me and smiled.

"Twist my words all you want. I'm winning this bet," Amy said.

"What bet? What are you guys talking about?" Hitchcock asked cluelessly.

"Seriously? The bet?" I said confused.

"They've been keeping score all year. It comes up all the time. What are you doing all day?" Terry said.

"Nothing," Hitchcock said. "Why, you wanna hang out?"

"A year ago today, Peralta and I made a bet to prove who's a better detective. Whoever makes more felony arrests, wins," Amy explained. She then went on to explain what happened a year ago with Jake's input. "And now the score is all tied up."

"But not for long. For in eight hours, I will win the bet and get Santiago to make Ken go on the worst date in the history of the world," Jake said as he and Amy sat down at their desks.

"Attention. After today's shift, I'd like everyone to join me at the bar for drinks in honour of Detective Martinez and her medal of valour," said Holt.

"Oh, my god, is Peanut Butter gonna be there?" Gina asked loudly and everyone then turned and looked at her. That horse is a damn hero."

"Peanut butter will not be joining us," Charles said.

"He's being feted by the United Nations," announced Holt. "As you were." He then turned around and walked back into his office. I then watched Jake and Amy glare at each other, and then suddenly they run towards Holt's office, pushing each other out of the way.

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