1x10 - Thanksgiving

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"Happy Turkey Day!" Charles said as he walked into the bullpen.

"Yes! Right out of the gate," Jake said while pointing to Charles.

"What? What's going on?" Charles asked after he put his stuff down.

"We're playing Boyle bingo, Thanksgiving edition," Megan said. She then held up her card to show Charles.

"Everyone filled out their card with possible Charles-related scenarios. First to Bingo gets 100 bucks," Amy said.

"I had 'Boyle calls it Turkey Day' on the centre square," Jake said while pointing to it.

Boyle then walks up to Terry and then reads off his card. "Boyle explains that they ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving. They did. Back in that time, they called lobsters 'ocean bugs.' And...I'll mark it off for you." Charles then takes Terry's pen and crosses it out for him.

"I think I got the winning card here. Boyle tells us that he played Pocahontas in his third-grade play," Megan said.

"Hey, I got that one too," Jake said.

"All the girls were too big," Charles said.

"This is a fun one... Boyle says, 'Gobble, gobble, gobble'," Gina said.

"Well, now that I know you want me to say that, I'll just say it with two gobbles. Gobble, gobble...Gobble. God, it just sounds right that way. Ugh. I don't like this game," Charles said.

"Ha! Boyle objects to Boyle Bingo," Rosa said. She then crosses it off her sheet.

"Come on, guys," Charles said.

"Boyles says, 'Come on, guys.' That's two for Terry," Sarge said with a grin on his face. Megan is sat in her seat behind everyone being quiet because she is crossing things off on her sheet. She already has 4 things crossed off and she is thinking that she is going to get 2 more things in the next minute.

"Well, guess what. I can spoil your little game by sitting over here quietly all day and doing nothing," Charles said. He then moves back and goes to sit in his chair. Charles misses his chair and falls onto the floor.

"Does anyone have' Boyle falls on the floor?' No one," Jake said while looking around. Megan kept quiet while crossing it off on her card as she wants to keep what is on her sheet a secret.

"That's a victory. That's a victory for Boyle. Boom!" Charles said as he stands up.

Then everyone says "Boyle says Boom." Everyone then crosses it off their sheet.

Megan then pipes up from the back and says "I think that I am going to win. Even though I haven't been here for as long as you and I have been away for 2 years. I already have 6 things crossed off."

"Check it out, chair jockeys," Jake said, walking into the bullpen

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"Check it out, chair jockeys," Jake said, walking into the bullpen. "While you were busy tickling ivories on your computers, I was doing a bust. Cocaine! Thanks, Lucius. He ran, I pursued. Who thing turned into an awesome car chase."

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