Bad News

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Megan's POV

It has been a few weeks since New Year's Day and I am currently working in the office on paperwork as I have been falling behind on it for a couple of days now so I have been trying to ignore Jake and everyone else while I get my work done. Holt knows that I am trying to get my work done so he has told no one to disturb me.

It was probably 3 in the afternoon when I was nearly finished. I just had to finish off one section of this piece of paperwork and then I was finished for the day.

All of a sudden my phone starts to ring and I see that it is a number that I don't know but I still answered. "Hello," I said.

"Hi. Is this Megan Martinez I am speaking to?" Someone said over the phone.

"Yes. This is her," I said.

"Ok. This is the Elmhurst hospital in Queens. We would like to inform you that your father Mr Martinez has been in a terrible accident and is in terrible condition. We are keeping him under close observation. You were the only person on his contact list so we had to contact you to inform you," they said.

"Thank you for telling me," I said while trying not to cry. I then hung up and I knew that I couldn't finish my paperwork as I needed to be at the hospital with my dad. I quickly gathered my stuff and ran out of the bullpen and ran down the stairs. I didn't want to wait for the lift so I just ran down the stairs. I then quickly got into my car and drove to Elmhurst hospital. I knew that I would get into trouble with Holt but I couldn't care less at the moment.

It took me around 20 minutes to get to the hospital and when I parked my car I ran straight inside to the reception. I was out of breath when I got to the desk but I managed to catch my breath and I then said: "Where is Mr Martinez?"

"I can't give you that information unless you are related to him," the receptionist said.

"I'm his daughter," I said.

"Oh well, he is on the third floor in the ICU. You'll see a sign to show where it is and then when you press the buzzer they'll le..." I didn't let the receptionist finish as I was in a hurry. I ran over to the lift's and pressed the button. I knew that I couldn't run up the stairs as I was tired.

It took me around 5 minutes to find the ICU and when I finally got in I found my dad's room quickly. I saw that he was just lying there with a breathing tube down his throat. He looked really still and pale. I just slumped into the chair next to his bed and left my stuff to fall onto the floor.

I couldn't believe that he was here. I have never wanted to see my father in the hospital looking like he was on the brink of death. All of a sudden my phone rings and I see that Holt is calling me. I pick up the phone and I was ready for him to shout at me. "Martinez. Where are you? I didn't say that you could leave so you should be working at your desk."

"I'm sorry," I said to Holt. I started crying because this was really hard to talk about. "I...I'm...I had...I'm sorry. I just can't be at work for the next few days." I then hung the phone up and just stared at my dad.


It has now been a few days and I have just been forced to leave the hospital. I haven't been at work for the past few days. Holt has been calling me a lot but I have been declining all of his calls as I didn't want to speak to anyone. I knew that I looked terrible as I haven't had anything to drink or eat. I haven't wanted to leave because if I leave something bad could happen to him. I have only been forced to leave as the nurses kicked me out.

When I got home, I had a shower and then got changed. I knew that I should go to work so I finished getting ready and I then went to work. I knew that I looked like shit and that I should get some sleep but I had to go to work.

I entered the bullpen and when I did I saw that everyone was looking my way. They all looked concerned for me when they saw me but I couldn't even make it past the gate before I broke down crying. Jake ran up to me and then pulled me into a side hug. "What's wrong?" Amy asked me.

"My dad. He...He's...He's in the hospital," I said while crying.

"What? What's happened?" Sarge asked me.

"He was in a car accident. A bad one and they don't know if he's going to survive," I said while trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry. Take as much time off as you need. I'm sorry," Holt said.

"Thank you. I'm gonna go now," I said to them. I then left the precinct and went back home. I then just cried myself to sleep.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I couldn't find where Megan could fit into the 14th and 15th episodes so I decided to do a filler chapter instead and then it is going straight onto episode 16.

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