1x06 - Halloween

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Megan's POV:

I walked into the bullpen with my Halloween costume on and I was wearing a fez, a shirt with a bowtie, a brown jacket, black trousers with suspenders attached to them and black boots. I don't know if anyone would get my outfit but I hoped that they do. I looked up from looking at my outfit and saw someone in a horse costume kicking someone else who was also wearing a horse costume while they were being taken to the holding cell. Amy then had to move out of the way and into Sarge's desk. She then said "Woah. Settle. Sorry, Sarge." She moved over to Jake while I was walking over to him and then continued to say "Ugh, Halloween is the worst. Everyone's drunk, wearing a mask and carrying a fake gun. Plus all the girls think that they have to dress sexy."

"I know, that is the worst. Please make them stop." Jake complained.

"Not all of them. Just look at me. I not wearing anything slutty or sexy," I say.

Jake and Amy turned to look at me and then Jake asked "By any chance are you the 11th doctor?"

"Yes, I am. He is my favourite doctor of them all," I say.

"I passed a slutty tree on the way here. Who wants to have sex with a tree?" Amy asked.

"Was it a maple?" Scully asked.

"Was it a maple?" Jake repeated. Amy then walked away to her desk and just as Amy left Charles walked in wearing what looked like a chefs outfit.

He then said "Buon Giorno, Buon Giorno. Pretty cool 'stume' huh?" Charles asked.

"Stume?" Jake asked.

"Short for costume," Charles pointed out.

Jake then said "Ah. All right let me guess. You are Dumpy Chuck Norris."

"No. I'm –" Charles tried to say.

"Dumpy Ron Weasley," Rosa pointed out while she walked past.

"No," Charles said.

"You guys, stop it. He put thought into his costume, and he is obviously Miranda from Sex and The City," Terry buts in.

"Guys, I'm Mario Batali! 'Molto Mario'? Celebrity chef? Ginger prince of little Italy?" Charles exclaimed.

"Is he also a homeless troll doll? 'Cause you look like a homeless troll doll," Jake asked.

"Hey, sweet Batali costume, dude," Someone said while he was taken into the holding cell.

"Thank you! There's a man with impeccable taste," Charles exclaimed.

"He bit a guy's butt off at a W.N.B.A. game. Eric Stoltz from Mask," Jake explained while looking at his file.

"I'll take it," Charles said before he walked off to his desk.

10 minutes later, we were all in the briefing room and Captain Holt and Sarge were at the front of the room. I was sat next to Jake and I was still wearing my 11th doctor costume. Sarge then said "I hope you're all well-rested. It's gonna be a busy night."

Jake pointed out "The holding cell's completely full. I keep having to separate Hillary Clinton and Kim Jong-UN."

"We need two undercovers at the Dekalb street warehouse party. Uh...Boyle, you're already in costume as, uh, Joy Behar?" Hot said.

"I'm Mario Batali," Charles said like he was fed up with everyone.

"Okay. And, uh, Santiago, you go with him," Holt said.

"Yes sir," Amy said, "Damn it."

"Santiago, I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me and I promise you, you will love it," Charles said.

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