1x21 - Unsolvable

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I could only think of this song when I was writing the first bit.


Megan's POV:

It had been a few weeks since I had my day off. It was amazing as I managed to do the things that have been on my do list for ages. I couldn't believe that I managed to complete it all as my list was around 20 items long. It might have been because I was listening to music for most of the list.

Anyway, I was sitting at my desk doing my work while everyone was either standing up with a cup of coffee or just coming back from getting a coffee and just then Captain Holt walked through the bullpen with a cast on his wrist. "Woah. What's with the cast, Cap?" I asked.

"I sprained my wrist," Holt answered.

"Oh no, what happened?" Amy ask, with a concerned look written all over her face.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine," Holt said.

"Yeah, geez, Amy. Back off. Leave the guy alone," Jake said while watching Holt walk into his office. Once he was sure Holt was in his office he said "All right, huddle up, everybody. Bring it in, bring it in." Once everyone was huddled up around Jake's and my desk. "So he wouldn't say what happened, which can only mean one thing."

"He's in a fight club," Gina said.

"No. He did it doing something he's embarrassed by, like smiling. The only question is, how do you hurt your arm by smiling?" Jake asked.

"Could be a sports injury. I sprained my wrist in college playing field hockey," Charles pointed out.

"Men's field hockey?" Terry questioned.

"Yeah. It's much more violent than the women's game. We're not allowed to wear anything that protects our breasts," Charles explained.

Holt then came out of his office. "Attention, everyone. I can hear you speculating about the nature and origin of my injury from my office. I tripped over an uneven sidewalk. I did not think that it was relevant to your jobs, the jobs which you should all be doing right now. Get to work." Everyone then quickly went over to their desk and continued working while Holt walked over to Jake.

" Everyone then quickly went over to their desk and continued working while Holt walked over to Jake

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It was Friday morning now, just after 10 am. Jake walked through the bullpen with someone attached to his wrist. "Hey, hey. What has three thumbs and just made another arrest? This guy!" Jake asked while putting both hands into thumbs up, pointing at himself. The perp didn't do a thumbs up which ruined it. "It doesn't work if you don't put your thumb up," Jake said. The perp then put his thumb up. "Thank you!"

"Twenty-three solves in one month. New precinct record!" said Charles, starting to play Salt 'N' Pepa's Whatta Man.

"Ha! No, and I will never dance to that song," Jake said.

"Way to go, Jakey!" Scully said, throwing something up in the air.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed. "Are those thumbtacks? What the hell, Scully?"

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