1x19 - Tactical Village

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Megan's POV:

The past few weeks shave been good and bad at the same time. It has been good because I have passed my self-evaluation and beat everyone else in them. I know that it wasn't a competition between everyone but Holt said to me that I was the only one that he thought had worked the hardest even if I don't show it half of the time. However, the past few weeks have been bad because I have had a really bad cold and I know what you're thinking. 'It's just a cold. You can get over it.' But when I get a cold, I get it badly.

---Start of flashback---

On the first day of me having a cold, I couldn't tell that I had it straight away in the morning so I got ready for work and left for work. Once I got to the car park I started coughing but I thought nothing of it so went to my desk and started working. I didn't know why but I felt worse and worse throughout the day.

I kept feeling like I was going to pass out. I had a headache forming from around lunchtime which then turned into a migraine so I went into the briefing room with my work and turned the lights off so I could work in the dark but that didn't last long as a lot of people suddenly walked into the briefing room and they were making a lot of noise and they also turned the light on. I could tell that they hadn't noticed me and they won't notice me so I picked up all of my work and walked out. I then placed my work on my desk and then walked into the break room and lay down on the couch with my head buried in one of the pillows. I didn't care if there wasn't anyone in there as my migraine was extremely bad and it was hurting my whole head. I wanted to sleep but suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my head which caused me to groan in pain as it hurt. "Hey, Martinez. You don't look too good. You should go home," I heard someone say and I then realised that it was Holt that said it.

"I can't. I can't move," I mumbled.

"Why can you not move?" Holt asked.

"Migraine. Bad. Hurts," I mumbled.

"Do you need someone to take to home Martinez?" Holt said. I then nodded my head and heard nothing for a while until I felt someone slowly turn me around and pick me up bridal style. I didn't want to open my eyes so I buried my face into the person's chest and I don't know how but I realised that it was Jake that was carrying me.

---End of flashback---

It took me a couple of weeks to get over that cold but once I did I was back up and running and I was glad that I was able to go back to work today as today was tactical village day. No one else knew that I was coming back today so I was excited to surprise everyone.

I walked into the bullpen to see that everyone's desks were empty so I thought that they were in the briefing room I walked closer and I heard them talking about the tactical village

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I walked into the bullpen to see that everyone's desks were empty so I thought that they were in the briefing room I walked closer and I heard them talking about the tactical village. I heard Boyle say "True, but Jake has been the finalist for the coolest kill two years in a row."

"That's because I was undercover for the last 2 years," I pointed out.

"It's not that big of a deal. All you win is a children's karate trophy, so..." Jake said.

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