1x16 - The Party

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Megan's POV:

It was the first day of going back to work after my dad was in the hospital. It has been two weeks since I have been at work and my dad has woken up and is now back at home resting. He woke up a few days ago and I was now able to sleep properly now that I know that he is alright. I haven't seen anyone since he has come out of the hospital so I wanted to surprise everyone.

When I looked at the date on my phone I realised that it was Captain Holt's birthday. I have had a gift for Holt for a few weeks now and I was excited for him to open it. I knew that he doesn't like to get presents but I know that he is going to like it.

I walked out of the elevator and into the bullpen and heard Jake ask "Who's Kevin Cozner? Is he the star of 'Danzs with Wolves?'"

"He's Captain Holt's husband. Captain Raymond Holt. We're invited to the Captain's birthday party," I said to everyone.

"Welcome back Ken," Jake said. "Also, oh, the captain's party and whatnot."

"I can't wait to see the inside of Raymond's house. I'm gonna learn everything there is to know about him," Amy said.

"I bet it's really fancy, like Beauty and the Beast fancy," Charles said.

"No, it's probably just an empty, white cube with a USB port in it for him to plug his finger in when he's on sleep mode," Jake said.

"Amy, Charles. One that's creepy and two. I've been inside their house. It is not Beauty and the Beast fancy but it is fancy," I said to them both.

Holt then walks out of his office, into the bullpen. "Apparently my husband Kevin has invited you all to my party. There is very little street parking, no gifts, no singing 'Happy birthday.' Should be fun."

"Sounds fantastic," Amy said.

"Martinez. My office," Holt said before walking back into his office. I then walked into Holt's office with my stuff as I haven't had time to put it down at my desk yet.

"So why did you want to see me?" I ask Holt.

"I know that you have a present for me so can I just have it now to get it over and down with?" Holt asks.

"I don't have it with me at the moment as it is sat on the table in my dining room. I'll give it to you tonight at your party," I said to Holt. "Also, I'll be there 30 minutes to an hour early to help set up."

"Ok. I'll see you then," Holt said. I then went to walk out of his office but before I could open the door Holt said "Also, Martinez. It's great to have you back."

I was in the break room with Terry, Charles, Rosa and Amy and then Jake suddenly walked in, carrying a large box

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I was in the break room with Terry, Charles, Rosa and Amy and then Jake suddenly walked in, carrying a large box. "Bam! Behold, my secret weapon for winning over Kevin. In this box is every grisly crime the Nine-Nine has worked in the past eight years. Civilians love juicy cop stories," Jake said, placing the box on the table.

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