1x09 - Sal's Pizza

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Jake was standing by the printer while Megan was sat at her desk and Rosa and Amy were sitting on the edge of it. Jake then turns around and said "Oh, this is amazing. This is so amazing. Everything about this is amazing."

"What are you talking about?" Sarge asked from his desk.

"A virus got on the server and sent us an email with everyone's search history on it. Check this out. Sergeant Jeffords searched the internet for 'undiscovered muscle'," Jake said.

"I was working out and saw a muscle in my shoulder that I'd never seen before. I thought it might've been a scientific discovery," Sarge said.

"Listen to this. Scully searched for how much fudge in a calorie?" Gina said from Charles' desk.

"I never found the answer, but it was a good question," Scully said.

"Boyle looked up, how to make desk yoghurt," Rosa said.

"Yes, I did, and I am thrilled with the results," Charles said. He then got it out from his desk but the jar was hot. "Although the jar is really hot."

"That's gross. And Amy searched for Daniel Craig hands plus close up. Ugh," Jake said.

"You should talk. You searched for the cheapest date possible," Amy said.

"And I wear that search like a badge of honour," Jake said. Jake then explained what his date was.

"Also, Megan searched for Robert Downey Jr," Rosa said.

"What? He's really hot. Okay," Megan said.

Megan was over by Charles desk as we were talking about going to a bar later to catch up later

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Megan was over by Charles desk as we were talking about going to a bar later to catch up later. Jake was over by his desk when he got a phone call. He answered the phone and said, "Peralta. Hey, Sal. To what do I owe the honour? Oh, my god. Yeah, we'll be right there."

Jake grabs his jacket and walks over to Megan and Charles. "Hey, Charles. Sal's Pizza was burnt down. Come with me?" Jake asked.

"Of course," Charles said.

"Megan. You coming with us?" Jake asked.

"I don't even know what Sal's Pizza is. I have never had it before so I am just going to stay here and do the paperwork that I need to catch up on," Megan said.

"Okay. See you in a bit," Jake said. They then walk out of the bullpen and into the elevator. Megan then sits down at her desk and continues with her paperwork. She had a lot of paperwork on her desk as it was in a big pile so she had to finish it all before anyone asked about it.


Around lunchtime, Megan got a call from her Dad so she answered the phone while she continued with her paperwork. "Hey, dad. You alright? You don't call me when I am at work."

"Meg. I need your help. There are people after me and I don't know what to do. I think it might have been because I did something to them but I don't actually know what I did."

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