2x1 Undercover

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Megan's POV:

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Megan's POV:

It has been six months since I have seen or heard anything from Jake and I missed him. I couldn't wait until he was back at the precinct so that I could see him again. I didn't know when he would be back so I just tried to continue with my work.

Currently, I was in the locker room putting my stuff away as I was late to work as I had to do a few things before I got back to work. I heard talking in the bullpen but that was normal so I got my file that I was looking over last night and started reading my notes while walking to the bullpen. I looked up once I stepped into the bullpen to make sure that I wasn't going to walk into anyone but I just stopped in my tracks and lost grip on the file I was reading because I was just in shock. I then started crying as I was extremely happy. "Jake!" I shouted before running over to him and jumping into his arms. He just had enough time to put his stuff down at his desk before he caught me. "I missed you so much," I said into his ear.

"We have so much to talk about," Jake said.

I then got down from Jake and then said "Come with me. I know where we won't be disturbed." I then lead him over to my special room and said "No one knows about this room. I found this a few weeks after I started here and it took me a few months to sort everything out but I managed it and I just like coming in here to calm down or just to do my work in peace. But you are not allowed to tell anyone about this so you can't tell anyone about this and I would like it to be left that way. You can come into this room when you want to come and relax or do work in silence."

I then looked around us and saw that no one was nearby so I opened the door and ushered Jake inside. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked Jake while shutting the door.

I turned around to look at Jake but before I could move away from the door Jake moved closer to me. All of a sudden I was trapped. I couldn't move anywhere because I was right up against the door and Jake was right in front of me. My heart started pounding and I thought that it would've come out of my chest. I didn't know if Jake could feel it because of how close he was. What I didn't realise was that both Jake and I were leaning in. I only didn't realise it because I was too focused on his eyes. I could get lost in them.

When I realised Jake's lips were on mine I froze for a split second before I started kissing him back. I started moving my arms around his neck and then I started running one of my hands through his hair. Jake wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

When we pulled away we rested our heads against each other. "I missed you so much," Jake whispered.

"I missed you too," I said to Jake.

We then stayed standing up against the door for a bit longer before moving over to the couch. Once we were on the couch, I decided to lie my head down on his lap and rest my feet against the armrest. "I have to ask Ken. Did you arrest a man named Joe Uterus?"

"Oh, my God. Yes. I forgot about that. I should have told you immediately," I exclaimed.

"Well technically you couldn't as we were kissing for the first part," Jake said.

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