1x12 - Pontiac Bandit

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3rd POV:

Jake was running excitedly into the bullpen shouting "She's here. Ken's here." He then stood next to Boyle, Amy and Gina. Amy was also holding up a sign that said 'Welcome Back Megan'. Suddenly the elevator dings and opens. Megan walks out of the elevator wearing her normal clothes: a loose white top, black jeans, and a long knitted cardigan. She was also wearing white trainers. You could tell that she didn't care about her outfit today because she was shot only a week ago.

 You could tell that she didn't care about her outfit today because she was shot only a week ago

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"Welcome back, detective?" Holt said from behind Jake. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than I was when I got shot," Megan said. "I've got my meds on me so that I can take them later but at the moment I just want to make my morning coffee, sit down at my desk and get to work."

"Are you sure that you don't need any help?" Sarge asked.

"I'm fine I can do it on my own. I only got shot a few times. It's not like I'm not capable of doing anything," Megan said. Megan then walked over to the kitchen and got herself her coffee. Megan could manage to bend down but when she did she was in a little bit of pain. She had her cast underneath the white top so that no one could see it. She then walked over to her desk and sat down with her coffee.

 She then walked over to her desk and sat down with her coffee

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Megan's POV:

I was going back to my desk from the kitchen when I suddenly tripped over something and fell over. I tried to catch myself but I ended up hitting the ground. My chocolate ended up a few feet away from me but before I could pick myself up I felt myself being picked up by someone. When I got back to my feet I turned around to see Terry standing behind me. I then went over to my chocolate but before I could pick it up Gina handed it to me. Terry then said to me "Be careful. We don't want you to hurt yourself any more than you are."

"I'm fine. I didn't need any help. I just tripped," I said.

"Well, just be careful. We don't want you to be in the hospital again," Amy said.

"Amy, Gina, Terry. I'm fine," I said. I then continue walking over to my desk and when I get there I continue to finish my paperwork.

Holt then walked out of the office and said "Martinez. We all are looking out for you and want to keep you safe. You were shot in the line of duty, defending a fellow officer."

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