11. Leo

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Leo's POV

My heart was pounding hard as I looked into King's darkening green eyes in panic. He had me pinned against the wall with his arm pressed against my throat.

I was struggling to breathe as I grabbed his arm to pull it away but he was much stronger than I was. I couldn't move it which made me start to panic even more.

"No. I mean why the hell did you stop me back there, and lie to keep me out of trouble in the office? What's in it for you? No one is this nice to me without wanting something, so spill it now," he hissed at me in anger.

"No, I..... I....," I choked out as he pressed harder. My head grew lighter, making me start to hit his chest with my fists in a desperate attempt to push him back. "I... ca... can't b... breathe."

His eyes widened as he looked down at his arm against my throat before letting go. I fell to the ground on my hands and knees coughing from the sharp inhale of oxygen. I rubbed my throat as hot tears began to fall down my cheeks. My body shook so bad that I couldn't move for a few more deep breaths.

"You- you know what! Do it yourself!" I snapped, not caring if anyone could hear us outside the door. "I was just trying to fucking help you for what you did for me last week! I... I get enough of this shit at-,"

'STOP! Stop yourself, Leo, you're going to say something you don't want anyone else to know,' I yelled at myself, stopping the words from spilling. Wiping my tears so he didn't see them, I forced myself to my feet and started for the door, shoving my way past him. "Ugh, forget it. Just put the damn kit in your gym locker when you're done and I'll get it later," I said in a shaky voice and opened the door.

"Wait, Leo. I didn't- I just-," he started to say, sounding freaked out but I didn't care anymore. I was done being nice towards him if this was how he was going to act about it. I had to draw a line somewhere. "Please don't... I... I'm..."

Without looking back at him I yelled, "Not my problem to deal with!" Throwing his words at him again as I walked out letting the door slam behind me.

I stumped down the hall as my legs trembled, I had to stop to collect myself. Still feeling his arm on my throat, I rubbed it with my own hand to reassure myself it wasn't still there. I mean, what the hell is wrong with that kid? I was just trying to be nice and repay him for the kindness he showed me last week. Maybe I was wrong about him after all. Maybe he wasn't such a good person underneath as I thought.

But... he said no one was nice to him without wanting something in return. I didn't want anything from him.

I started feeling bad for walking out. I really shouldn't have yelled at him like that and left after he was begging me not to go. Ugh, damn it. What if he isn't cleaning it right? Was he going to be able to wrap it with just one hand?

I looked back at the bathroom door. "Damn it," I mumbled out loud to myself and started walking back into the bath. It was stupid. I shouldn't be stepping back in there and helping him after what he did but I couldn't stop myself either.

As soon as I walked in, King looked over in surprise. I looked down at his hand that he was holding over the sink, dripping blood now and shaking slightly. In the mirror, I noticed one of the thin metal stall doors was now dented in the middle.

"Leo! I... I didn't think you would-,"

I closed the door behind me. "Don't say a damn word," I told him as I walked over quickly and flipped on the cold water, shoving his bleeding hand underneath.

I couldn't believe I came back here to help after he attacked me.

I didn't look up from his hands once as I looked over the bloody knuckles. Thankfully he wouldn't need stitches but I made sure the rubbing alcohol hurt as I cleaned his wounds and every time I heard him hiss a little in pain, I had to bite back a smile. I didn't enjoy hurting people. I'm not a fighter, but it was a pretty satisfying sound after what he did.

"Thanks," King whispered as he made a fist once I was done wrapping both hands to make sure it wasn't too tight while I started cleaning up the blood in the sink and the wipes I used to clean everything with.

"Whatever, let's just get back to class before the teacher flips out even more. I have to put this away first." I grabbed the small red bag and walked out. Not really caring if he was behind me or not as I let the door start to close behind me before sneaking back into the locker room again.

I stopped as I walked out, surprised to see King waiting for me as he stood leaning against the wall, playing with his fingers and looking at the ground.

The door shut behind me, making his head snap up. Our eyes met for a moment, and I could see his regret. Before he could open his mouth to say something, I looked away and started walking, feeling the blush spread across my cheeks while I denied him to speak.

I had to remind myself that I was still pissed at him for what he did and those puppy dog eyes won't work on me. I walked faster to class but his long legs kept up with me with no problem.

The rest of the class seemed to drag on from there. I peeked a look back at King to see him looking at his hands a little sad or deep in thought. Maybe I was too hard on him? I didn't mean to snap that loud and the longer I sat there thinking about it, the worse I felt for doing it.

Was he used by others all of his life? Was that why he jumped too quickly to distrust someone just because they were being nice to him? I guess, in a weird way we had more in common than I thought.




Please don't forget to like this chapter. Follow me on here or on Instagram at kody.colors for a sneak peek into the next chapter.

You tell him, Leo! Show King you're not going to get pushed around like that and then kill him with that kindness to finish him off.

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