Everyone was charmed by Leo's bright smile but behind it all, he could barely keep it together inside. From taking care of his sick mother to suffering mental and physical abuse from his father to keeping up his perfect grades in school.
King was th...
I parked close to the gate, watching other visitors walk inside. My stomach fluttered thinking about what happened last night with Leo, and I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I got out of my truck. It felt like I was on cloud nine.
I got searched twice while walking inside, but as soon as I signed in and headed inside the visiting area, I had my smile even higher as me and my dad locked eyes. He stood from the table so I could give him a brief hug. The guards only allowed it once and nothing longer than three seconds. I didn't want to let go of him, but I knew he would be the one in trouble if I didn't.
I had grown to the same height as my dad. We shared the same red hair, but his eyes were a deep blue, and now had a short beard and mutation that I knew he took care of daily. The last time I saw him, we were close to the same build, but I could tell my muscles suppressed his, and I couldn't help feeling proud of that.
My dad sighed as we pulled apart. "King, I can't believe you made it. I was surprised when Benji got ahold of me."
"Hey, Dad. It's good to see your ugly mug, too," I said, causing my dad to howl a laugh.
"Careful, son. You get your good looks from me, know you?" We shared a laugh before his face turned serious. "Speaking of, you heard anything from your mother yet?"
My smile faded in a blink. "Why would I? I don't want to speak with her. Does she even remember she has a child or what my name is?"
"I know you're still pissed at her, so am I, but she's still your mom."
I snorted, looking away from him. "I don't care who she is. She wanted her drugs over me, and that's what she got. She's also the one who put you in here. Why are we even talking about her?"
Dad leaned over the table and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "She wrote me not long ago. I still refuse to see her when she tries coming here, but I guess she's been in rehab." We both rolled our eyes. "Says she's sorry and shit for beating herself up and calling the cops on me. She just wanted her drugs and lost her mind when I wouldn't feed her addiction." He let out a humorless laugh. "It's a part of this rehab bullshit. This one is for you since she couldn't find you before sending it. Take it, rip it up, burn it, whatever. I don't want the fake apologies they make them write to earn stars or points or whatever the fuck it is now a day."
I stared at the paper between his fingers. I didn't care what she had to say to me now. The damage had already been done, and no amount of words was going to make up for it. Rolling my eyes, I took it and shoved it inside my hoody pocket. "I'll have to find a pit to burn it in then."
"I don't blame you, son." He shook his head before turning back to me with a sly smile as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. "So, moving on. You getting fuck up the butt now?"
My eyes bulged from the sockets as my mouth dropped open. "What?" I couldn't believe my dad just asked that out of nowhere.
"You know, you gay now? You and this Leo fella or what?"
"Dad! Did you really have to ask like that?" My eyes darted around the room, knowing a few people close by overheard him.
He had the nerve to shrug his shoulders. "What? I want to know. You write about him often enough."
I covered my burning face. "Dad." I shook my head. "I'm not getting fucked in the ass, and that's all I'm saying about our sex life. But me and Leo-"
Before I could finish telling him about me and Leo, the man sitting at the table next to ours leaned over. "See. I told you he ain't gay." He interrupted. "Pay up." He held out his hand.
"He ain't done talking yet, brother," my dad hissed at him before turning his attention back to me. "They still fucken. Did you not see the smile he had saying the kid's name before you rudely interrupted?"
"Prison rules, you fuck. He given, not taken," the man started to argue, making me want to sink into a hole in the ground because I could see all eyes were turning to us. "That don't make him gay."
"Prison rules?" My dad turned his whole body to the man. "Say whatever makes you feel better about yourself in here, but he ain't in prison, fool! You pay up!"
This was getting way out of hand faster than I could grasp the conversation as the man started laughing. "No, he ain't. His just fucking a dude. Nothing gay about that."
My dad lowered his chin to give him that, are you stupid or something, look before he turned to me. "I guess Digger has some issues to work out within himself. So, are you gay or not?"
I didn't know what to say, still blinking between the two as the other man looked pissed at my dad. My brain was still trying to catch up after that shock, still trying to figure out if they were messing around, but looking back at my dad, I took a breath before clearing my throat. "I was going to talk to you about that before all that blew out of hand, but I guess I'll just tell the whole room now. Thanks for that." I narrowed my eyes on my dad. "I don't just fuck him as you say, I'm in love with Leo and we are together. I've been with girls, but Leo is different. If that means I'm gay in this bet you two have, then I'm fine with that, but the correct term is bisexual." I looked at my dad, feeling my chest tighten as he gave me a blank stare. "Think whatever you want about that, but he makes me so damn happy, and I'm glad to call him my boyfriend. Leo is the most beautiful and compassionate person I've ever met."
My dad leaned back in his chair before throwing a look at the man. "You owe me a pack of smokes now." He smiled at the man.
"Is that all you're going to say about it?" I asked, feeling my shoulders tense. I saw my fingers begin shaking from his careless reaction, so I pulled them under the table, but when my dad started laughing, I looked up even more confused than before.
"I don't give a fuck who you're with. I just want you to be happy, and if a guy is what makes you happy, then whatever. So be it. Who am I or anyone else to say differently?" His voice started to soften as he adjusted in the chair, moving closer to me. "Love? Yeah, I figured as much when you wrote about him. Benji seems to think highly of him as well, so I'm good with it, but you don't need my approval. Do whatever makes you happy. How is that hermit anyway? How are things going there with Leo? How is Kiki doing after getting out of the hospital?"
I smiled at his approval of Leo. The tension lifted from my shoulders as I told him how everyone was doing, and he shared what he had been up to until the guard told us it was time to get moving.
"I want to meet this love of yours on Thursday. I mean it," my dad said as we stood.
"Okay. I'll let Leo know, but Dad, Leo is shy about being gay, so when you meet him, can you tone it down, like all the way? You can't be so straightforward." My dad laughed again as he walked over to the door, making my stomach drop. "I mean it, Dad!" I yelled after him when he didn't reply, making me even more nervous about Leo meeting him.
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