Everyone was charmed by Leo's bright smile but behind it all, he could barely keep it together inside. From taking care of his sick mother to suffering mental and physical abuse from his father to keeping up his perfect grades in school.
King was th...
"Are you okay?" King asked, and I could feel the redness burn my face as I turned to hide it in his arm, remembering looking into his eyes as we...
"I... I think it helped a lot to see you," I answered, trying to be truthful, but I couldn't stop thinking of how King looked at me, the wild pleasure in his eyes, his soft lips against my skin, and his careful touches.
I peeked over my arm to see a smile before he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "We should shower before we get too comfortable." He began to sit up again, looking around the room. "We can watch a movie here and lay in bed instead of on the couch."
"That does sound better." I smiled at him as he reached out his hand to help me off the bed. He had seen me naked a few times when we fooled around at home or showered together, but for some reason, when his eyes roamed over my body, it felt different. My whole body heated as I felt more shy.
I let him help me to my feet, but when pain shot up my back, I nearly fell. King was there quickly. My legs were still shaking from coming so hard, and I had no choice but to let King help me to the shower. Once inside, he washed us together and wrapped a towel around me when we finished, patting my face dry before squishing my cheeks like a child. I couldn't stop my laughter.
By the time we returned to bed, King had blow-dried his and my hair and made sure I was comfortable before looking for the remote. I could see it in the little cubby under the TV, but instead of telling him, I watched him with a smile as he searched for it.
I felt the warmth of butterflies from how happy I was. The weight of worry lifted from my shoulders. At first, when King started entering me, I was scared, feeling the same pain as before, but King was gentle and patient. I never thought I would have enjoyed it so much once the pain stopped. Having King, the one I loved, inside me, feeling his weight on top of me, hearing his voice call my name and telling me it was okay, helped wash the rest of the world and my past away.
King found the remote and huffed at himself before getting in bed beside me. We were only in our boxers and snuggled against each other under the heavy comforter for the rest of the night, watching movies and eating snacks.
I woke up to King walking into the room with two plates in his hand. "I thought I would get us breakfast." He smiled, putting one of the plates on the bed next to me.
The smell of bacon and syrup made my mouth water as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "You could have woke me up. I would have gone with to help."
"You looked like you needed the rest. I was fine, and I know what you like to eat in the morning, so I had no problem." He smiled at me proudly.
I wanted to kiss him, but my lower back hurt when I moved, so I thanked him instead while he walked out of the room again.
"They had coffee creamer down there, so I grabbed some. I'll make you a cup," he yelled from where I assumed the kitchen.
We ate together in bed, but I saw King checking his phone every few minutes. "You need to leave soon?" I asked, feeling nervous all of a sudden.
"In about 20 minutes if I want to get there as soon as the doors open, which I do."
I started picking at my thumb, looking around the room. I hated being alone. It made me think of things I didn't want to think about, but there was no way I would stop King from seeing his dad. That was the biggest reason we came here.
"What are you planning on doing for the next few hours?"
"I brought a book. I thought I would try reading something to help pass the time. It's been a long time since I opened a book."
He leaned over and kissed me. "That sounds like a perfect idea." He took the plate off my lap and set it on the nightstand. "How are you feeling after last night? Need me to get you anything before I leave?"
"I'm okay. Kind of rethinking the whole hike thing today, though," I said truthfully. "I was reading about this art museum. Can we check that out instead today?"
"Whatever you want to do is fine by me. I'll put our plates in the kitchen and then finish getting ready. Where is your book? I'll grab it while I'm up."
"It's okay. I'll get it. I need to get up anyway."
After getting ready for the day, King kissed me goodbye. Once the door closed, the same dread as always started setting in, but instead of letting it consume me as I used to, I walked over to our bags and started putting our clothes in the dresser and organizing our things.
My face turned red as I looked in my black bag to see more condoms and lube, and I had to fight myself from looking at the bed in remembrance. Putting them all in the drawer next to the bed, I found was the same place King had put the extras he grabbed yesterday, too. I couldn't help gulping at the memory. Me and King had sex, and I liked it. I still couldn't believe it could feel like that once the pain subsided.
I could feel myself getting hard thinking about how good it felt, so I turned away from the bed and finished putting everything away before I picked up my book, sat on the couch, and began reading aloud from habit, but with no one else here, I continued.
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