52. Leo

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Leo's POV

Everything felt like a fog after Ava shot me up with that needle. I couldn't remember what happened, just that I was scared. It all felt too weird, but I remember hearing King's voice in my panic. It had to be a dream. No way King was there.

Someone's phone must have been going off because all I could hear was a beeping noise. I groaned, not wanting to open my eyes yet. My whole body felt sore, stiff, and tired. I didn't want to move. However, there was something too close to my nose. I tried to wipe it away and felt my arm twitch, but it was far too heavy.

"Leo? Are you awake?" I heard someone say, but the voice sounded too far away and muffled.

Trying desperately, I creaked my eyes open to a bright white light. Wincing, I turned my head to the side to try and escape the pain from it.

Where was I? Who was touching my cheek? I wanted to ask, but my lips felt glued together. I tried to open my eyes again, feeling them burning. Slowly squinting, I tried to focus on the red-looking blur. I can't, as I shut my eyes again.

Licking my dry tongue against what felt like sandpaper, I tried to speak. Something hit my lips. It was small and cold..., and wet?

"It's okay, Leo. It's water. It'll help," he said as it pushed against my lips a little more.

I didn't think of it and did as told. Sucking the cold liquid shocked my dried mouth so much that I began coughing hard. Something warm touched my cheeks, making me want to moan at how good it felt. "Slowly. It's okay. Breathe."

I know this voice. It wasn't a dream. One of my hands reached up blindly, touching any arm before moving up to hold the hand against my cheek. "King," I said in a raspy whimper before tears grew too heavy to back.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. I'm right here." King's voice hit me like a wall of bricks. My heart sank into my stomach as my throat burned from trying to hold back my sobbing.

I didn't want to open my eyes and see him. I felt so ashamed of myself, so scared to see the way he looked at me now after all the things I did. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want King to see me at my lowest like this, yet I couldn't let go of him.

Feeling King's forehead press against mine as he tried to wipe away my tears only made it worse. "I... I...," I hiccuped, biting my lips to stop from bowling even more.

"Shh. It's okay. I got you. You're okay. You're safe now," he tried to soothe me, but it wasn't okay. I wasn't okay. How could any of this be okay?

"Where... Where are we?" I finally asked, still too scared to open my eyes and see for myself. I didn't want to look into his eyes yet. I didn't deserve to see those gorgeous green eyes ever again.

"We're in the hospital. When we found you..., you were..., unconscious. They said it was an opioid overdose. Leo..."

The sadness in his voice made me turn my head away.

"Leo... Look at me, please." His finger tried turning my head back to him, and I didn't have the strength to fight it. "Open your eyes. Please. Please, look at me," King begged.

Hesitantly, I opened my eyes, looking right into those green eyes I missed so much. King had dark bags under his eyes and looked exhausted. I could see his hair was down and a mess like he hadn't slept or showered.

"I missed you so much. I was so scared you wouldn't come back," he pulled me closer, wrapping me in his arms tightly.

I didn't know what to do at first. I thought he would start questioning me or start yelling at me for running away, but the thought faded fast. Closing my eyes, I hugged him back as tight as I could. Scared he would disappear if I let go just a little. I missed him so much.

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