22. Kiki/King

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Kiki's POV

I walked into the docks with Dom at my side. He was the reason I was so late getting here after my father called and told me he was back in town and we had to get him before going to the docks. I was happy to do so because Dom was one of my closest friends even though he was 10 years older than me. I've known him almost my whole life.

King was determined to get the job done early tonight and I had a feeling it had something to do with that cute puppy, Leo, he was close to. I let him go ahead because I had a soft spot for them. He made King smile as I had never seen before and that made me like the puppy a little.

We looked around for King but something didn't seem right. King should have called if he was done here but he didn't and his phone was going straight to voicemail.

It really pissed me off.

"You see anything?" I asked Dom, who jumped on top of a forklift to scan the area before we walked in. Seems like something was off to him as well.

"Nope," he said, jumping down. "Nothin' at all."

I nodded and we started walking in as I looked for any sign of King.

Suddenly I stopped and held my hand up to signal for Dom to stop as well.

"Stupid... stupid..." I heard someone mumble to themselves followed by smacking noises.

I peeked around the corner to see Vin standing there hitting himself in the head. He was high. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Guess he's using again which means he'll be cut from selling for us... again. I don't know why my father keeps giving him change after change.

I stepped out from behind the shack. "Yo Vin. Where's my cousin?" I asked him pissed off.

"Kiki! Your h- h- here. Finally!" He said, jumping at me as he grabbed my black coat. "I- I didn't mean to. You were s- s- supposed to be w- w- with him! P- p- p- p- please don't k- k- kill me. I t- told them he was alone b- b- but I knew you w- would be with him. Th- they said th- they would h- hurt me if I didn't h- h- help them. It was s- supposed to be a s- s- set up f- f- for them. N- n- not K- King. H- h- have m- m- mercy!" He spits out before crying.

"Where the fuck is he?" I yelled slamming him against the stack of crates behind him as hard as I could. "And who the fuck is them?"

"I- in n- n- number 5. I w- w- watched them c- carry him in th- there. I d- didn't mean it. I love Uncle. Th- they they said th- th- they were t- t- taking over the d- d- docks. I was just t- trying to h- h- help you. H- h- he w- w- wasn't supposed to be alone," he stuttered out as I dropped him. The more scared he was the worse the stutter got and I couldn't waste my time any longer.

I ran for building 5 as fast as I could with Dom on my heels.

King's POV

I panted quickly in short breaths, finding it hard to breathe as I looked up at the ceiling. I knew I was messed up at this point. At least one of my ribs was broken, thanks to the big guy in the green coat and that bat. The one in the yellow coat didn't do much damage though, too weak to hurt a fly.

Suddenly the one in red, who I assumed was the leader of this little group, grabbed my chin making me look down at him. The only thing I could see clearly was his dull hazel eyes but I would remember them.

"I want you to give Uncle a little message for us," he hissed.

"Might... want to write it down... at this point," I told him, trying hard to keep my eyes focused and catch my breath at the same time.

"Oh, you'll remember this you fucking prick. The docks are ours now," he said, pushing my face to the side. He walked over and ripped the bat from the green guy's hand.

"Whiny baby faces call the docks... got it," I huffed out a small laugh and then hisses from the pain.

"Here's to remembering it, you cocky shit."

He swung the bat fast, hitting my shoulder hard as I yelled out. I knew he broke it or hopefully just popped it out of place. Everything started waving in and out from all the pain before I heard gunfire from outside.

The three turned to where I could only assume was the direction of the door since crates were stacked around us.

"Now you're dead," I puffed out with a laugh again, it hurt but I didn't care at this point. Took them long enough to get here.

"Fuck it. We'll show them now we aren't to be fucked with!" The leader in red yelled with a slight panic. "Dump him and let him drown. A dead body will send a bigger, more clear, message," he said as he cocked his gun and turned away from us. "Let's get moving!"

The other two laughed and started dragging my chair backward. I started to panic now. I needed to think of something but Leo clouded my mind, making it impossible for me to think of a way out of this.

The sound of a gunshot came closer as they stopped dragging the chair at the edge. I could hear the water behind me splashing against the wood of the dock.

"Nothing to say now big mouth?" the smaller shit in yellow asked me. "Maybe after this, I'll pay your little boyfriend Leo a visit too. Give him the bad news myself," he said with a laugh. "And maybe if he's cute enough," he leaned forward a little more to whisper, "I'll comfort him too."

"King!" I heard Kiki yell but I was too busy looking at this little guy in front of me. His dark green eyes were filled with a dark look as they practically smiled while he ran a hand up my thigh so I understood fully what he meant by 'comforting him'.

I threw my head into his as hard as I could, making my headache even more as he stumbled back. "You touch him and you'll-," I gasped, cutting my words short as the one in green pushed on my chest making the chair lean back. "Kiki water!" I managed to yell out as the chair started to fall back.

The cold water swallowed me whole as I struggled to get myself free from the chair. Pain in my arm shot threw my whole body but I ignored it as I tried to wiggle free. The lights from the shack above me got smaller the deep I sank trying to hold what little air I had left.

I needed to get to Leo. I needed to keep him safe.

His smile flashed through my mind as I closed my eyes, feeling the mucky lake floor underneath me. A whole new panic hit me. Air. I needed air! Please hurry Kiki.




Don't forget to like this chapter. Thank you so much for reading.

A shorter chapter, sorry about that. Shit, I hope Kiki and Dom get to him soon!

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